  M. Angela Sasse
  John McCarthy
  Gillian Wilson
  Jens Riegelsberger
  © UCL 2002



Eye-Tracking & Web Page Usage

Below is a collection of documents, and their relevant links, which are particularly relevant to the use of eye tracking measures in determining how people ustilise web pages. The results of which will have bearings on the future of web design.

Stanford Poynter Project (1998- ) A core project established by Stanford University examining many different aspects of web page usage.


Reeder, Pirolli, and Card (2001) In the examination of mapping eye gaze points to objects, this study argues that the mapping process can be tedious and time consuming. A software is discussed that automates this task for web page usability studies that incorporate eye tracking.

Cowen, L. (2000) An MSc dissertation developing upon Goldberg and Kotval’s (see eye tracking- its use in different applications) interface evaluation techniques.  

Ivory, M., Sinha, R., Hearst, M. (2001) Paper that provides evidence for different metrics from a large collection of expert rated websites that can quite accurately predict if a web page will be highly rated.

Redline, C. and Lankford C. (2001) Paper that presents the results of a study conducted to explore whether eye movement analysis might prove to be a useful tool in the administering of questionnaires over the web as compared to paper.



Eye Tracking  - Its applications in usability

Below is a collection of documents and their relevant links providing examples of how eye tracking can be applied in different usability settings. Some more general documents on eye tracking methodology are also included.

Goldberg and Kotval (1998) A brief review of eye-movement based interface evaluation followed by a discussion of temporally and spatially-based measures.



Reeder, Pirolli, and Card (2001) In the examination of mapping eye gaze points to objects, this study argues that the mapping process can be tedious and time consuming. A software is discussed that automates this task for web page usability studies that incorporate eye tracking.


Goldberg and Kotval (1999) Study that compares a well-organised interface to a poorly organised interface using eye movements. It is suggested that overall, eye movements enhance the observations of user’s strategies while using computer interfaces. 


Alatonen, A. (c.2000) A paper examining the validity of using eye tracking in usability testing.



Karn, K., Ellis, S., and Juliano, C. (1999) A position paper from a CHI’99 workshop examining the use of eye tracking in usability testing.



Mounty, G. (1999) A useful literature review examining user-friendly interface design.


Glenstrup A. and Engell-Nielsen, T. (1995) A good description and overview of eye movement types and the differences in recording eye movements that exist -


University of Bielefeld A website from the eye-tracking group at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, which discusses the tracking of eye movements and visual attention.


Mounty, G. (1999) A useful literature review examining user-friendly interface design.



General Eye Tracking and Eye Movement-related web sites

This section contains a set of links to other more general but nonetheless important websites within the field of eye tracking. Note: Some web addresses are links to other specific eye tracking link sites.

The University of Postdam’s eye tracker research lab in Germany offers a varied selection of useful links to relevant eye tracking web sites.


The University of Tampere’s  Gaze- Base Interaction group offering links to research papers in eye tracking applications, other groups and technology.


Eye tracking offers website and software usability using eye tracking technology.


Express Saccade Laboratory


Eye Movement and Visualisation

Eye movement mailing list

MIT eye movements and visual attention website    
Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA) conference (2000)