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My main area of interest is IP-based networking, specifically, the aspects of network connectivity, topology and infrastructure, including IPv6, routing, overlays and multicast. I have an interest also in the aspects of mobility and distributed computation within this context.


RUNES I was involved in the IST-funded RUNES project from December 2005 until it's completion in July 2007. The main focus was to design and develop a flexible and scalable atchitecture capable of supporting the the creation of large-scale, widely distributed and heterogeneous networks of embedded systems. Such systems must be able to inter-operate and to adapt to their changing environments.

To overcome the complexity of the future environments envisaged for such systems, a flexible and scalable architecture is required. The approach used to achieve this project goal, involves the development of an adaptive middleware platform that allows such systems to self-organise and evolve with their environment.

SEINIT I was involved in the IST-funded SEINIT project since it began in December 2003. The primary objective was to develop a trusted and dependable security framework that was ubiquitous, and able to operate across multiple heterogeneous devices and security domains. This has been achieved through the SEINIT middleware by abstracting away from low-level technology-specific security configuration and focusing instead around users in a user-comprehensible manner. The level of security that users need is maintained by transparently downloading and launching appropriate technology components that implement the negotiated security policies.

6net I was involved in the IST-funded 6net project between January 2003 and July 2004. My main activities involved investigations into the deployment of dynamic IPv6-enabled VPN infrastructures The investigations have uncovered a number of issues and promoted a number of collaborative efforts. Further details can be found on our VPN page. Other 6NET activities, Video and Voice over IPv6, were demonstrated across the VPN infrastructures that were deployed.

rPGM Between April and September 2000, I was involved in a project to carry out a kernel-level BSD router implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) protocol.

Papers and Publications



Technical Reports

  • Manish Lad. "The Coalition Peering Domain: A New Entity on the Routing Landscape", [PDF]. Transfer Report. 2 November 2005.
    Department of Computer Science, UCL, Technical Research Note Number: RN/05/25

  • Manish Lad, Saleem Bhatti, Stephen Hailes, Peter Kirstein and Adam Greenhalgh. "Motivation for Coalition-Based Community Networking", [PDF]. 1 August 2005.
    Department of Computer Science, UCL, Technical Research Note Number: RN/05/16

  • Manish Lad, Saleem Bhatti, Peter Kirstein and Stephen Hailes. "Challenges, Opportunities and Incentives for Coalition-Based Community Networking", [PDF]. 06 June 2005.
    Department of Computer Science, UCL, Technical Research Note Number: RN/05/08

  • Manish Lad, Saleem Bhatti, Peter Kirstein and Stephen Hailes. "The Coalition Peering Domain: A New Entity In The Routing Landscape", [PDF]. 15 March 2005.
    Department of Computer Science, UCL, Technical Research Note Number: RN/05/03

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