3DSMax - 16/17

Envelopes and Vertex Assignment

Next we need to adjust the physique envelopes for all other meshes. To do this, select the mesh, then select the created physique modifier in the 'Modify' panel and expand it.

The most useful branches are 'Envelope' and 'Vertex'. Firstly, get the bulk of the work done by adjusting the envelopes. This may be done by selecting a bone and adjusting the radial scales and overlap values, or simply by selecting by 'Control Point' and moving these.

Be especially careful around the hips and shoulders. For instance, the following image should be adjusted to match the rollover image:

Once this has been done for all bones, there are likely to be some lost vericies. To solve this, go to the 'Vertex' branch within the physique tree, select only the blue +, and drag select over all points. Any orphan verticies will appear blue. You can then assign these (usually as deformable - red) to bones ('links').

Look at the mesh from all angles so that you are sure you collected them all.

This is the most time-consuming part of the entire process. But now we are approaching the end.


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