
Before we start, it is essential to clarify how character will eventually be used. This will save you a lot of time in the long-run, and hopefully will prevent mistakes or oversights that will require backtracking.For the purposes of this tutorial, I will walk throught the process of creating Sydney - the character intended for use in my first-year PhD experiment, and the EyeCatching project.The following presents some questions to ask before diving in, followed by answers appropriate to Sydney:
  1. Will it be used in real-time systems or purely for static rendering?

  2. What is the intended polygon count?

  3. Will it's primarily be an avatar or an agent?

  4. Are facial morph-targets required?

  5. Is eye-rotation required?

  6. Will the character be used as a host for motion-capture data?

  7. What is appropriate clothing for your character's intended use? We must also think about character movement: if your character is wearing a skirt for instance, how will she sit down without deformation or cloth simuation?

    • Sydney will be wearing jeans and tight vest top. The CVE platform is currently not capable of complex cloth deformation, so we will keep it relatively simple.

Other issues which seem relevant for your character and intended use should also be considered at this stage.

Eye Catching
Character Creation