Greek, British Keyboard, English Desktop & Linux.

This small body of information, resulted from my attempt to do under linux something that windows has been able to do well for a very long time: Have an english-language desktop, with a british layout qwerty keyboard (my personal favourite) and being able to view and write greek (not polytonic). These instructions worked on my redhat 7.3 system (intel) running XFree86-4.2. Your milleage may vary in other configurations. Using these instructions, I can successfully write/read greek in almost all my X11 applications. It even works on Microsoft Office (running under crossover office). However, I cannot get it to work with xemacs properly (I'm running version 21.4). I'm having problems with the accents (i cannot input accented characters) and the encoding (- can anyone help me please?). However, it does work properly with emacs (i'm running version 21.2.1) if I turn MULE encoding to iso-8855-7. It also doesn't work in the TO, Subject, CC and BCC fields in ximian's evolution, as well as in ximian's contacts (again, if anyone can help, please contact me). Another problem is that I cannot seem to print Greek unless it's generated by latex (help, anyone? :-)

Hope this document helps. Thanks to (some of) the people at the linux-greek-users mailing list for their help.

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 21:35:06 BST 2002