Draft v1 Minutes of kickoff RAMS Meeting UCL CS, December 18, 1995. Actions marked * 0. Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Contractual details Discuss any final details - Graham will introduce this as we have to have everything done by Dec 25th. 3. Staff working in the project Identify staff working on project and skills areas. 4. Level 2 plans Discuss timescales for this and start discussing specifics. 1. Introductions Present: Name Affiliation Email Saleem Bhatti UCL s.bhatti@cs.ucl.ac.uk Jon Crowcroft UCL jon@cs.ucl.ac.uk James Cowan UCL j.cowan@cs.ucl.ac.uk Anne Hutton UCL a.hutton@cs.ucl.ac.uk Dave Romano-Critchley UCL d.critchley@cs.ucl.ac.uk Graham Sinyard UCLi g.sinyard@ucl.ac.uk Tim Snape ASL abbot1@ibm.net Matt Denner ASL denner@cs.bris.ac.uk Huon Butterworth Tadlon huon@fchain.demon.co.uk Steve Osselton PRISM steve@prismtech.co.uk Peter Burton DTI 100350.60@compuserve.com Deborah Miller EPSRC Deborah.Miller@epsrc.ac.uk Apologies were received from Texaco. 2. Contract G Sinyard reported that acceptance letters, contract and collaboration agreement were all signed and would be posted to the DTI today * Common start date is 11/12/95. J Crowcroft will check when the EPSRC start date for the research grant was, and the named staff (Zheng Wang and one other....to be agreed in first week of Jan 1996). * UCL will setup a maillist at UCL called rams@cs.ucl.ac.uk to which any technical correspondence can be emailed. * If partners wish, they should send J Crowcroft the email addresses they wish addd to this list. These can be local distribution lists (e.g. rams@prismtech.co.uk might be one) if preferred. G Sinyard asked whether invoicing from industrial partners should be direct or via UCL to the DTI. * J Crowcroft will liase with the monitoriging office (M.O.) when appointed, and decide this. P Burton noted that we must invite the M.O. as well as Deborah Miller and himself to all the quarterly meetings. It is likely that the M.O. will usually be the only one who attends, though he will always be there. It is preferred to rotate the quartely meetings around the partners, though i nour case this may not be optimal for * travel. We will liase with the M.O. about whetehr we can have the meetings in london, and he can separately visit partners during our separate technical meetings. 3. Staff ASL: Matt and Tim (Matt 1/2 time for first 1/2 of project) Tadlon: Huon Texaco: No $$ per se, but M.O still will look into their contribution (basically, net monitoering/control access time). UCL: James/Jon Manage Zheng, and probbly Dave Romano-Critchley (dependent on other contracts at UCL). * UCL need to confirm this with CVs to EPSRC. PRISM Ian Anderson and Steve Osselton P Burton noted that the M.O. has 3 days for 1st and last quarter and 2 days for the middle two to carry out the work He also noted that the QFRs (and quarterly technical report - details in the old IED guide for LINK projects management) need to be accomanied with auditors reports. 4. Level 2 plans Basically, see the IED green book - need bar chart and resource allocation (e.g. easy if we use Microsoft Project Manager) Need this by march 11 at latest - aim to have by mid febuary. Platform discussion then ensued (PCs/Windows versus Unix). J Cowan led the discussion, outlining the areas for network packet monitoring and analysis as well as for stack management, and for delay measurements. He suggested that we want to see whether the various types of monitoring are applicable to each site 1) packet analysis (possibly via RMON) 2) protocol stats (what we doare doing 3) delay variations 4) router stats. This will give the project homogeneity and might make the level 2 plan easier to coordinate! The partners would then add to this what extra they were doing separately. P Burton outlined varous points for consideration w.r.t. exploitation 1/ Standards (mention OSI convergence with Internet standards) * J Crowcroft will contact Jack Houldsworth to see if we can get a direct project input and output from this process. 2/ Services (e.g. Texaco and ASL netqwork optimsiation) 3/ toolsets/products J Crowcroft noted that some tools for visualtion might now be based on HTML since many Microsoft applications will shortly use this as another common intermediate exchange format (e.g. IA for word) see http://www2.nlanr.net/ for an example of a web site for retrieving live and historical network peformance data. 5. AOB Next meetings 1/ Technical - early january with texaco 2/ 15th of jan partners should supply UCL with slides for the HPIP program meeting on feb 7 3/ DTI noted they can help with EC IT project proposals e.g. RAL videoconf on 23 jan There will also be an HPIP program newsletter. * UCL should provide an abstract for the second one of these * DTI should make sure ASL are on the maillists for this and EPSRC should add them for their publications (IMPACT). EPSRC nioted that the CDS club was restarting and that the 2nd MNA call would be out ver soon (CDS club info, mail Hilda.Cook@ral.ac.uk) Both DTI and EPSRC said that User Groups/Interest Groups were a good idea to try to develope...