Graham Knight
This database contains the 2017-18 versions of syllabuses. Syllabuses from the 2016-17 session are available here.
Note: Whilst every effort is made to keep the syllabus and assessment records correct, the precise details must be checked with the lecturer(s).

I am now part-time at UCL and am no longer involved in teaching. I look after some aspects of the CS website, in particular the migration to TYPO3. The best way to contact me is via email.
There is extensive online help on using TYPO3. However, TYPO3 has a rich and sometimes baroque range of behaviours so please contact me if things don't seem to work in a useful way.
I am still enjoying a lot of cycling, mainly with the Hertfordshire Wheelers. If you are close to Hertfordshire and fancy joining us for a ride then please get in touch.