function [thr Vthr] = opt_thresh(in, optfunc, out) %opt_thresh - determine an optimal threshold to binarise a continuous image % [thr Vthr] = opt_thresh(input, optfunc, outname) % % If outname is included (even if empty), then the optimally thresholded % volume is written to disk, and a volume handle is returned in Vthr % % optfunc is a function handle (or string containing one) that finds the % optimal threshold. Two alternatives are included: % % (i) Maximising correlation between original and binarised result % '@opt_thr_corr' (also default if optfunc is empty or unspecified) % (ii) An estimate of the statistical anti-mode '@opt_thr_antimode' % % The first option is equivalent to maximising the t-value for a two-sample % t-test between the below- and above-threshold parts of the image, which % in turn is similar to the histogram-based criterion in Otsu's method. % % See also: make_average, make_majority_mask % % Please reference: % Ridgway et al. (in press) Neuroimage % % pre-print available from % % If using opt_thr_antimode, please also reference: % Luo and Nichols (2003) Neuroimage 19, 1014-1032 % % pre-print available from % % Email with any questions % [spm5 select fparts] = check_spm_setup; % Check if called from batch system if nargin == 1 && isstruct(in) && isfield(in, 'inname') job = in; in = job.inname; optfunc = job.optfunc; [pth nam ext num] = spm_fileparts(job.outname); if isempty(pth) % {''} seems to end up as '' in SPM8, hence left hand side of || if ~iscell(job.outdir) || isempty(job.outdir{1}) pth = pwd; else pth = job.outdir{1}; end end out = fullfile(pth, [nam ext num]); end if ~exist('in', 'var') || isempty(in) in = select('Select image'); drawnow end if iscellstr(in) in = char(in); end if isempty(in); error('No files selected'); end Vi = spm_vol(in); if ~exist('optfunc', 'var') || isempty(optfunc) optfunc = @opt_thr_corr; end if ~isa(optfunc, 'function_handle') % assume string, and try evaluating optfunc = eval(optfunc); end dat = spm_read_vols(Vi); dat = dat(isfinite(dat)); thr = optfunc(dat); if ~exist('job', 'var') && nargin < 3 return elseif isempty(out) [pth bnm ext] = fparts(Vi.fname); suf = regexprep(sprintf('%g', thr), '\.', '-'); out = fullfile(pth, [bnm '_thr' suf ext]); elseif isempty(regexp(out, '\.(nii|img)$', 'once')) out = [out '.img']; end flags = {false, false, 0}; % (dmtx, mask, hold=nearest-neighbour) expr = sprintf('i1>%g', thr); Vo = struct(... 'fname', out, ... 'mat', Vi.mat, ... 'descrip', 'mask image' ... ); if spm5 Vo.dim = Vi.dim(1:3); Vo.dt = [spm_type('uint8') Vi.dt(2)]; else Vo.dim = [Vi.dim(1:3) spm_type('uint8')]; end Vthr = spm_imcalc(Vi, Vo, expr, flags); if exist('job', 'var') % called from batch system, need single output var out = struct('thr',thr, 'outname', {{Vthr.fname}}); thr = out; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function thr = opt_thr_corr(img) costfunc = @(thr) -correlation(img, img > thr); [thr ncc] = fminbnd(costfunc, min(img), max(img)); fprintf('Maximal correlation of %g found with threshold of %g\n', ... -ncc, thr); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function c = correlation(x, y) cs = corrcoef(x, double(y)); c = cs(1, 2); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function thr = opt_thr_antimode(img) %#ok, optfunc can eval as handle to it % See appendix B of Luo and Nichols (2003), Neuroimage 19, 1014-1032 % % % Implemented from the description, any mistakes are my fault - Ged % Hartigan method srt = sort(img); lo = srt(floor(numel(srt) * 0.1)); hi = srt(ceil(numel(srt) * 0.9)); srt(srt <= lo) = []; srt(srt >= hi) = []; dfs = diff(srt); mx = max(dfs); k = floor(mean(find(dfs == mx))); % in case non-unique thr = mean([srt(k) srt(k+1)]); fprintf('Anti-mode threshold of %g by Hartigan method\n', thr); % Histogram method iqrange = diff(srt(round(numel(srt)*[0.25 0.75]))); binwidth = 1.595 * iqrange * numel(srt)^(-1/5); numbins = ceil((srt(end) - srt(1)) / binwidth); [counts bins] = hist(srt, numbins); mn = min(counts); k = round(mean(find(counts == mn))); % in case non-unique thr2 = bins(k); fprintf('Anti-mode threshold of %g by histogram method\n', thr2); % Assume Hartigan more accurate if similar, but less reliable if different if abs(thr - thr2) > 3 * binwidth thr = thr2; end fprintf('Anti-mode threshold of %g chosen.\n', thr);