The CGP web site has been moved to here and the domain name no longer exists.

LATEST NEWS: Harm van den Dorpel has implemented a CGP-based art program (in typescript) which produces very interesting artworks, some of which have been exhibited in galleries. There was an exhibition on April 24, 2021.

Julian is giving a tutorial on CGP and its applications jointly with Lukas Sekanina at CEC 2021  (online)

Julian is also giving a tutorial at Alife 2021 (online). They will appear on this site after the conferences take place.

Julian gave  at video tutorial at Alife2020. It is available from the publications page.

Julian is gave a tutorial on CGP at Alife 2019. He is also co-organized a second workshop on Developmental Neural Networks. Developmental ANNs are concerned with using ideas inspired by the development of brains to create programs that build neural networks. 

Human-competitive results workshop (GECCO 2018)

CGP was used by two of the awarded entries in 2018. One won first prize, the other bronze. Great stuff.

The CGP paper on atari games also attracted lots of media attention (see publications).

What is Julian up to right now?

CGP Brain project

For a few years now I have been working on using CGP to evolve two programs that develop a whole neural network and can learn to solve multiple problems simultaneously. One evolved program controls the body of a neuron and the other controls the dendrites. When you run the programs it build an entire brain-like network which can solve three problems simultaneously (classification). The aim is to solve many problems of different types with the same network and the evolved programs. You can read a brief conference report on it (GECCO 2017). I have two book chapters coming out on this topic (see publications) which go into a lot of detail. I have published a conference paper in Alife2021 and have written a journal submission for the Alife journal (under review). I also have a submission to GPTP in 2021 (online in May).