@TECHREPORT{denardi2013rn, AUTHOR = {R. {De Nardi}}, TITLE = {The QRSim Quadrotor Simulator}, NUMBER = {RN/13/08}, INSTITUTION = {Department of Computer Science, University College London}, ADDRESS = {Gower Street, London UK}, MONTH = {March}, YEAR = {2013}, } @Article{luo13collision, author = "C. Luo and S. MacClean and G. Parr and L. Teacy and R. {De Nardi} ", title = "{UAV} Position Estimation and Collision Avoidance using the Extended Kalman Filter", journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Vehicular Technology", year = "2013" } @InProceedings{ julier12multirate, author = "S. Julier and R. {De Nardi} and J. Nelson", title = "Multi-rate Estimation of Coloured Noise Models in Graph-Based Estimation Algorithms", booktitle = "Proceedings of Information Fusion Conference", year = "2012" } @Article{ varakliotis10uav, author = "S. Varakliotis and S. Hailes and R. {De Nardi} and M. Ahmed", title = "{UAV} and cognitive radio technologies in the Emergency Services arena", journal = "British Association of Public Safety Communications Officials", year = "2010", month = "November", pages = "28--29" } @InProceedings{ cameron10suaave, author = "S. Cameron and S. Hailes and S. Julier and S. McClean and G. Parr and N. Trigoni and M. Ahmed and G. McPhillips and R. {De Nardi} and J. Nie and A. Symington and L. Teacy and S. Waharte.", title = "{SUAAVE}: Combining Aerial Robots and Wireless Networking", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th Bristol International {UAV} Systems Conference", year = "2010", month = "April" } @InProceedings{ denardi08coevolutionary, author = "R. {De Nardi} and O. Holland", title = "Coevolutionary modelling of a miniature rotorcraft", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS10)", year = "2008" } @InProceedings{ togelius08geometric, author = "J. Togelius and A. Moraglio and R. {De Nardi} ", title = "Geometric PSO + GP = Particle Swarm Programming", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (WCCI08)", year = "2008" } @InProceedings{ togelius07nonlinear, author = "J. Togelius and R. {De Nardi} and H. Marques and R. Newcombe and S. M. Lucas and O. Holland", title = "Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling for Controller Evolution", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO)", year = "2007" } @InProceedings{togelius07towards, author="J. Togelius and R. {De Nardi} and S. M. Lucas", year="2007", title="Towards Automatic Personalised Content Creation for Racing Games", booktitle="Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (IEEE CIG07)", year="2007" } @InCollection{togelius07computational, title="Computational Intelligence in Racing Games", year="2007", author="J. Togelius and S. M. Lucas and R. {De Nardi}", booktitle="Advanced Intelligent Paradigms in Computer Games", editor="Baba, Norio and Jain, Lakhmi C. and Handa, Hisashi", publisher="Springer" } @InProceedings{ denardi06ultraswarm, author = "R. {De Nardi} and O. Holland", title = "UltraSwarm: A Further Step Towards a Flock of Miniature Helicopters", booktitle = "Proceedings of the SAB Workshop on Swarm Robotics", year = "2006", } @InProceedings{ togelius06making, author = "J. Togelius and R. {De Nardi} and S. Lucas", title = " Making Racing Fun Through Player Modeling and Track Evolution", booktitle = "Proceedings of the SAB Workshop on on Adaptive Approaches to Optimizing Player Satisfaction", year = "2006", } @InProceedings{ denardi06neural, author = "R. {De Nardi} and J. Togelius and O. Holland and S. Lucas", title = "Neural Networks for Helicopter Control: Why Modularity Matters.", booktitle = "IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation", year = "2006", month = "July" } @InProceedings{ denardi06swarmav, author = "R. {De Nardi} and O. Holland and J. Woods and A. Clark", title = "Swar{MAV}: A Swarm of Miniature Aerial Vehicles", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 21st Bristol International {UAV} Systems Conference", year = "2006", month = "April" } @InProceedings{ holland05ultraswarm, author = "O. E. Holland and J. Woods and R. {De Nardi} and A. Clark", title = "Beyond swarm intelligence: The {U}ltra{S}warm.", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS2005)", year = "2005", publisher = "IEEE" } @PhDThesis{ denardi10phd, author = "R. {De Nardi}", title = "Automatic Design of Controllers for Miniature Vehicles through Automatic Modelling", school = "Department of Computer Science, University of Essex", year = "2010" } @MastersThesis{ denardi04msc, author = "R. {De Nardi}", title = "Software Model and Limited Vision Simulations", school = "Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua", year = "2004", }