Reading group Archive

Posted on 7th February, 2008 by Matt

July-Dec 2007

13th Dec, Sofia

"Sparse MRI: the application of compressed sensing for rapid MR imaging" by Lustig et al, from MRM 58, 6, 1182-1195

6th Dec, Jon

"Composite hindered and restricted model of diffusion (CHARMED) MR imaging of the human brain" by Assaf & Basser, from NeuroImage 27, 1, 48-58 (2007)

29th Nov, Philipe

"Diffusion tensor analysis with invarient gradients and rotation tangents", by Kindlman et al, from IEEE Trans. Med. Imag 26, 11, 1483-1499 (2007)

22nd Nov, Fred

"The effect of filter size on VBM analyses of DT-MRI data", by Jones et al, from NeuroImage 26, 546-554 (2005)

1st Nov

Laura M, "The 'wet mind': water and functional neuroimaging" by LeBihan Phys Med Biol, 52, R57-R90 (2007)

20th Sept, Kiran

"Probabilistic streamline Q-Ball tractography using the residual bootstrap", by Berman et Al, accepted by NeuroImage

13th Sept, Shahrum

"Multitensor approach for analysis and tracking of complex fiber configurations" by Kreher et al MRM 54, 4, 1216-1225 (2005)

6th Sept, Bai Yu

"How to correct susceptibility distortions in spin-echo echo-planar images: application to diffusion tensor imaging" by Andersson, Skare & Ashburner from NeuroImage 20, 870-888 (2003)

30th August, Ai

"Toward accurate diagnosis of white matter pathology using diffusion tensor imaging" by Budde, Song et al from MRM 57:688-695 (2007)

2nd August, Tom Barrick

"Brain Asymetry, function and tracts"

12th july, David

"Tract-based spatial statistics: Voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data", NeuroImage 31, 1487 - 1505 (2006)

5th July, Kiran

"On analyzing diffusion tensor images by identifying manifold structure using isomaps", IEEE TMI, Vol 26, No 6, June 2007