
My name is Gabriel Brostow, and I am a professor in Computer Science here at UCL. My group explores research problems relating to Computer Vision and Computer Graphics. The students and colleagues here have diverse interests, but my focus is on "Human in the Loop Computer Vision," for analysis and synthesis applications. To me, this means having or finding satisfying answers to these questions about a system, whether interactive or fully automated:
I) Does the system know the intended purpose of the data being captured?
II) Can the system assess its own accuracy?
III) Does the system ask questions of users, when it's uncertain?
I love this field because it allows us to apply our expertise to a variety of tough problems, including film and photo special effects (computational photography), action analysis (of people, animals, and cells), and authoring systems (for architecture, animation, presentations) that make the most of user effort. "Motion reveals everything" used to be my main research mantra, but that has now taken hold sufficiently (obviously NOT just through my efforts!) that it no longer needs championing.

Previously, I had a visiting researcher appointment at ETH Zurich's CVG Group, and a Marshall Sherfield Fellowship in the Computer Vision & Robotics Group at Cambridge University. I did my PhD with Irfan Essa at Georgia Tech, and my undergraduate degree at UT Austin.
See my group's YouTube Channel.

(June 2017) Our work on detecting bats in the Olympic Park hit the press today!
See the BBC article on the front of their Science section, or the front-page of UCL's site.
Some behind-the-scenes context:
The real machine learning R&D was done by Daniyar Turmukhambetov, Oisin Mac Aodha, and Michael Firman. All are current/recent postdocs from our group. Most started as MSc students here!
Sarah Gallacher is the linchpin of the project. Not surprising, as she started with a background in software engineering and machine learning, and then got into HCI.
There are many other people involved, and you should read about them and see the project landing page:
I'll just add that Libby Kinsey did her MSc a few years ago in our group, working with Oisin and Kate Jones, to get the initial bat-call detector working on full-size computers. So what you're seeing running in the Olympic Park is the result of these people's hard work to build ML models, herd volunteers, gather data, build hardware, shrink ML models, waterproof prototypes, etc. That's several people's very hard work over a sustained period of time! Thanks to EPSRC EP/K015664/1 and EP/K503745/1 for co-funding this work.
Collecting some of the press coverage here:

To see the bats ping'ing, check out the live map (best at night):

(Mar-Sep 2017) I am Program Co-Chair for BMVC 2017.
Come to the conference in September!
We had a record number of submissions, as this is a top venue for publishing new work in Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
(May 2017) Our handwriting-synthesis project has passed 50k views on YouTube.

(Oct 2016) I'll be an Area Chair for CVPR 2017 - the top ranked Computer Science publication.

(July 2016) I have joined IEEE TPAMI as an Associate Editor.
Submit your great papers, so they can appear in the top-ranked journal in all of Computer Science!

(Sep 2016) We have filed for a patent on our MonoDepth work! (Now a CVPR 2017 paper)

Students & Postdocs:
Stephan Garbin (PhD)
Cl?ent Godard (PhD)
Peter Hedman (PhD)
Corneliu Ilisescu (PhD)
Thanapong Intharah (PhD)
Peter Rennert (PhD)
Efstratios (Stratos) Skordos (PhD)
Daniel Worrall (PhD)

Malcolm Reynolds (PhD - submitted)

Dr. Michael Firman
Dr. Daniyar Turmukhambetov

Dr. Oisin Mac Aodha (postdoc)
Dr. Wenbin Li (postdoc)
Aytac Kanaci (Research Assistant)
Animesh Mishra (MSc)
Dr. Maciej Gryka (PhD)
Libby Kinsey (MSc)
James Owers (MSc)

Lionel Ward (MSc)
Mengjiao Wang (MSc)
Loic Legaye (MSc)
Dr. Tom SF Haines (postdoc)
Dr. Edward Johns (postdoc)
Dr. Oisin Mac Aodha (PhD)
Prof Mike Terry
  (Leverhulme Visiting Professor)
Dana Zemel (MSc)
Zhifei Deng (MSc)
Dina El Kholy (MSc)
Katrin Honauer (MSc)
Aron Monszpart (MSc)
Jennifer Nguyen (MSc)
Dominic Waithe (MSc)
Cristina Garcia-Cifuentes (PhD)
Dr. Grigorios Skolidis (postdoc)
Cl?ent Godard (MSc)
Hugo Lopez Tovar (MSc)
Oscar Plag (MSc)
Mischa Schirris (MSc)
Prathyusha Vadrevu (MSc)
Martijn van der Veen (MSc)
Jacques Cali (MSc)
Vincent Gabou (MSc)
Arun Nair (MSc)
Daniyar Turmukhambetov (MSc)
Victor Borjas (MSc)
Yotam Doron (MSc)
Ahmad Humayun (MSc)
Vineet Kapoor (MSc)
Michael King (MSc)
Anthony J Lazzaro (MSc)
Golnoosh Samei (MSc ETH Zurich)
Cristina Amati (MSc)
Karim Morcos (MSc)  

C Ilisescu, H. A. Kanaci, M. Romagnoli, N. Campbell, G.J. Brostow, "Responsive Action-Based Video Synthesis," 2017, conditionally accepted to SIGCHI
- Project Page
- BibTex

T. Intharah, D. Turmukhambetov, G.J. Brostow, (HILC) "Help, It Looks Confusing: GUI Task Automation Through Demonstration and Follow-up Questions," in ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2017
- Project Page
- BibTex

C. Godard, O. Mac Aodha, G.J. Brostow, "Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Left-Right Consistency," 2016, on arXiv for now.
- Project Page

P. Hedman, T. Ritschel, G. Drettakis, G.J. Brostow, "Scalable Inside-Out Image-Based Rendering," conditionally accepted to SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016
- Project Page
- BibTex

D. E. Worrall, C. Wilson, G. Brostow, "Automated Retinopathy of Prematurity Case Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks," in Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis 2016
- Project Page
- BibTex

W. Li, F. Viola, J. Starck, G.J. Brostow, N.D.F. Campbell, "Roto++: Accelerating Professional Rotoscoping Using Shape Manifolds," SIGGRAPH 2016
- Project Page
- BibTex

M. Firman, O. Mac Aodha, S. Julier, G.J. Brostow, "Structured Prediction of Unobserved Voxels From a Single Depth Image," CVPR 2016
- Project Page
- BibTex

D. Worrall, G.J. Brostow, C. Wilson, "Automated Optic Disk Localization in The Neonatal Fundus Image," ARVO 2016
- Project Page
- BibTex

T. Haines, O. Mac Aodha, G.J. Brostow, "My Text in Your Handwriting," Transactions on Graphics (ToG), to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2016
- Project Page
- BibTex

C. Godard, P. Hedman, W. Li, G.J. Brostow, "Multi-view Reconstruction of Highly Specular Surfaces in Uncontrolled Environments," 3DV 2015
- Project Page
- Code
- BibTex

A. Monszpart, N. Mellado, G.J. Brostow, N.J. Mitra, "Rebuilding Scans of Man-made Scenes with Regular Arrangements of Planes," SIGGRAPH 2015 / Transactions on Graphics (ToG).
- Project Page
- BibTex

E. Johns, O. Mac Aodha, G.J. Brostow, "Becoming the Expert - Interactive Multi-Class Machine Teaching," CVPR 2015
- Project Page
- Video Presentation
- BibTex

M. Gryka, M. Terry, G.J. Brostow, "Learning to Remove Soft Shadows," Transactions on Graphics (ToG), presented at SIGGRAPH 2015
- Project Page
- BibTex

D. Waithe, P. Rennert, G.J. Brostow, M.D.W. Piper, "QuantiFly: Robust Trainable Software for Automated Drosophila Egg Counting," PLoS ONE, 2015
- Project Page
- Code
- BibTex

O. Mac Aodha, N.D.F. Campbell, J. Kautz,
G.J. Brostow, "Hierarchical Subquery Evaluation
for Active Learning on a Graph
," CVPR 2014
- Project Page
- Talk Video
- BibTex

Hugo Lopez-Tovar, G.J. Brostow, "Learning
Sketch-based 3D Modelling From A User's
Sketching Gestures
," Sketch: Pen and
Touch Recognition, IUI Workshop 2014

- BibTex

O. Mac Aodha, V. Stathopoulos, M. Terry, K.E. Jones, G. J. Brostow, M. Girolami, "Putting the Scientist in the Loop - Accelerating Scientific Progress with Interactive Machine Learning," Invited paper in ICPR 2014
- Project Page
- BibTex

O. Mac Aodha, G.J. Brostow, "Revisiting Example Dependent Cost-Sensitive Learning with Decision Trees," ICCV 2013
- Project Page
- BibTex
ICCV 2013
O. Mac Aodha, A. Humayun, M. Pollefeys, G.J. Brostow, "Learning a Confidence Measure for Optical Flow," in IEEE PAMI 2012

- Project Page
- BibTex

C. Garc? Cifuentes, M. Sturzel, F. Jurie  G.J. Brostow, "Motion Models That Only Work Sometimes," BMVC 2012

- Project Page
- BibTex

(Ksummit17's input video
O. Mac Aodha, N.D.F. Campbell, A. Nair, G.J. Brostow, "Patch Based Synthesis for Single Depth Image Super-Resolution,"
ECCV 2012

- Project Page
- BibTex

A. Humayun, O. Mac Aodha, G.J. Brostow, "Learning to Find Occlusion Regions,"
CVPR 2011

- Project Page
- BibTex

M. Reynolds, J. Dobo?, L. Peel, T. Weyrich, G.J. Brostow, "Capturing Time-of-Flight Data with Confidence,"
CVPR 2011

- Project Page
- BibTex
G.J. Brostow, C. Hern?dez, G. Vogiatzis, B. Stenger, R. Cipolla, "Video Normals from Colored Lights," IEEE PAMI 2011

- Project Page (does not include PDF though)
- Bibtex

A. Taneja, L. Ballan, J. Puwein, G.J. Brostow, M.Pollefeys, "3D Reconstruction and Video-Based Rendering of Casually Captured Videos," chapter in Video Processing and Computational Video, Springer 2011
- Book
- BibTex

L. Ballan, G. J. Brostow, J. Puwein, M. Pollefeys, "Unstructured Video-Based Rendering: Interactive Exploration of Casually Captured Videos," ACM  Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2010
- Project Page
- BibTex
- further efforts

O. Mac Aodha, G.J. Brostow, M. Pollefeys, "Segmenting Video Into Classes of Algorithm-Suitability," CVPR 2010

- Project Page
- BibTex

C. Amati, G.J. Brostow, "Modeling 2.5D Plants from Ink Paintings," in Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on SBIM (Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling), p41-48, 2010

- BibTex

G.J. Brostow, J. Fauqueur, R. Cipolla, "Semantic object classes in video: A high-definition ground truth database," Pattern Recognition Letters 30(2): 88-97, 2009
- CamVid Project Page
- Data (The raw video files are mirrored here)
- BibTex

G.J. Brostow, J. Shotton, J. Fauqueur, R. Cipolla, "Segmentation and Recognition using Structure from Motion Point Clouds", ECCV (1): 44-57, 2008

- New project page with original data (CamVid)
- Original Project Page (with some broken links)
- Raw video files are mirrored here
- BibTex

C. Hern?dez, G. Vogiatzis, G.J. Brostow, B. Stenger, R. Cipolla, "Non-Rigid Photometric Stereo with Colored Lights," ICCV 2007

- Project Page
- BibTex
Input image and 3D
J. Fauqueur, G. Brostow, R. Cipolla, "Assisted Video Object Labeling By Joint Tracking of Regions and Keypoints," In Proc. IEEE ICCV 2007 Interactive Computer Vision Workshop, p1-7, 2007

- BibTex
G. J. Brostow, R. Cipolla, "Unsupervised Bayesian Detection of Independent Motion in Crowds," In Proc. IEEE CVPR, Vol I: 594-601, June 2006.

- BibTex
- Project Page

M. Johnson, G.J. Brostow, J. Shotton, O. Arandjelovic, V. Kwatra, R. Cipolla, "Semantic Photo Synthesis," Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics) Volume 25, #3, p407-413, 2006.

- BibTex
- Project Page

                        synthesized after image was designed within the
A.R. Shen, G.J. Brostow, R. Cipolla, "Toward Automatic Bloodspatter Analysis in Crime Scenes," In Proceedings IET Crime and Security Conference (Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention), p378-383, 2006.

- BibTex
- Project Page

M. Wilczkowiak, G.J. Brostow, B. Tordoff, R. Cipolla, "Hole Filling Through Photomontage," p492-501 in BMVC 2005.

- PDF (1.8Mb)
- BibTex
- Project Page

M. Terry, G.J. Brostow, G. Ou, J. Tyman, D. Gromala, "Making Space for Time in Time-Lapse Photography," In SIGGRAPH Technical Sketches, 2004.

- PDF (2.5Mb)
- BibTex
- Project Page

G.J. Brostow, I. Essa, D. Steedly, V. Kwatra, "Novel Skeletal Representation For Articulated Creatures," In Proceedings of ECCV, May 2004, Vol III: 66-78.

Official version ? Springer-Verlag


- ECCV 2004.pdf  (5Mb)   

- BibTex


G.J. Brostow, "Novel Skeletal Representation For Articulated Creatures," Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004.


- PDF (21Mb)    

- BibTex

- Project Page

K.E. Sukel, R. Catrambone, I.A. Essa, G.J. Brostow, "Presenting Movement in a Computer-Based Dance Tutor," In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 15(3), 2003


- BibTex

G.J. Brostow and I.A. Essa, "Image-Based Motion Blur for Stop Motion Animation," In Computer Graphics, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001.

- Project Page
- BibTex

I.A. Essa and G.J. Brostow, "A Course on Digital Video Special Effects," in Proceedings of the IEEE CS Workshop on Undergraduate Education & Image Computation, Hilton Head, South Carolina, June, 2000.

- PDF version
- DVFX Home Page
- BibTex

J. O' Brien, B. Bodenheimer, G.J. Brostow, J. Hodgins, "Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation From Magnetic Motion Capture Data," Graphics Interface 2000, Montreal, Canada.

- Abstract
- PDF version
- BibTex

G.J. Brostow and I.A. Essa, "Motion Based Decompositing of Video," in Proceedings of ICCV, International Conference on Computer Vision 1999, Corfu, Greece, September 1999.
- PDF version
- Project Home Page
- BibTex

[Students of the Computer Graphics, Vision, and Imaging MSc (prev. VIVE), go join the Facebook Group!]

Spring 2017:     Computational Photography & Capture
Fall 2016:         Machine Vision
Spring 2016:     Computational Photography & Capture
Fall 2015:         Machine Vision
Spring 2015:     Computational Photography & Capture
Fall 2014:         Machine Vision
Spring 2014:     Computational Photography & Capture
Fall 2013:         Machine Vision
Spring 2013:     Computational Photography & Capture
Fall 2012:         Machine Vision
Spring 2012:     Computational Photography & Capture
Fall 2011:         Machine Vision
Spring 2011:     Computational Photography & Capture (links to slides from my most recent lectures are also here)
Fall 2010:         Image Processing
Spring 2010:     Computational Photography & Capture
Spring 2010:     Image Processing and Graphics
Fall 2009:         Image Processing @ UCL
Spring 2009:     Visual Computing @ ETH
Spring 2009:     Computational Photography & Video @ ETH  (ETH only, for now)
Fall 2008:         Image Processing @ UCL
Fall 2008:         Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision @ ETH
Spring 2008:     Computational Photography & Video @ ETH
See my page of "Disappearing papers" for a cache of other people's research projects that I find have instructional value.

See my current open positions here.
Otherwise, see my note to prospective students.

Projects for MSc's:
Internal-only link to view the slides is here (note which academic year!). (You must be browsing from within the UCL domain).
Simple LaTeX template files for building a UCL Computer Science MSc Thesis.

Contact Details:
brostow .at.
Prof. Gabriel Brostow
UCL Department of Computer Science
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

Office #508, 66 Gower Street, London
Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 1397
Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 7120
Directions for getting to my office (outdated, but follow these to get to UCL)