Christopher D. Clack - All Publications by type

(click here for selected publications by date )


  1. Programmieren in MIRANDA, C.Clack, C.Myers, E.Poon, 335 pages, Prentice Hall International, 1995. ISBN 3-8272-9503-3 (Based on (2) below, but updated and substantially revised for this German language edition)

  2. Programming with Miranda, C.Clack, C.Myers, E.Poon, 312 pages, Prentice Hall International, 1994. ISBN 0-13-192592-X.

  3. Programming with Standard ML, C.Myers, C.Clack, E.Poon, 301 pages, Prentice Hall International, 1993. ISBN 0-13-722075-8

Chapters in Books

  1. BioScience Computing and the role of computational simulation in biology and medicine, C.D.Clack, in "Intelligent Algorithms in Ambient and Biomedical Computing ", eds. W.Verhaegh, E. Aarts and J.Korst, pp 3-19, Philips Research Book Series, Vol. 7, Springer, 2006. ISBN 1-4020-4953-6. Gzipped PDF (631k).

  2. Realisations for Non-Strict Languages, C.D.Clack, in "Research Directions in Parallel Functional Programming", eds. K.Hammond and G.Michaelson, pp 149-187, Springer-Verlag, October 1999. ISBN 1-85233-092-9. Gzipped PDF (13.6M).

  3. Foundations, G.Michaelson, K.Hammond and C.Clack, in "Research Directions in Parallel Functional Programming", eds. K.Hammond and G.Michaelson, pp 31-61, Springer-Verlag, October 1999. ISBN 1-85233-092-9.

  4. High-performance parallel graph reduction, S.L.Peyton Jones, C.D.Clack and J.D.Salkild, reprinted as a chapter in "Programming Languages for Parallel Processing", eds. D Skillicorn and D Talia, pp 254-247, IEEE Computer Society Press, Dec 1994. ISBN 0-8186-6502-5

  5. GRIP: the GRIP Multiprocessor, Chris Clack, in Parallel Computing Principles and Practice, ed. T.J.Fountain, CUP, 1994, pp 266-275. ISBN 0-521-45131-0 Gzipped PDF (404k)

  6. GRIP Status Update - 1989, Chris Clack, in Multiprocessor Computer Architecture, pp 119-120, ed. T.J.Fountain and M.J.Shute, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1990. ISBN 0-444-88215-4

  7. GRIP – A High-Performance Architecture for Parallel Graph Reduction, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Chris Clack, Jon Salkild, Mark Hardie, in Multiprocessor Computer Architecture, pp 101-120, ed. T.J.Fountain and M.J.Shute, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1990. ISBN 0-444-88215-4

  8. The four-stroke reduction engine, Chris Clack and Simon L Peyton-Jones, in "Dataflow and Reduction Architectures", pp 327-339, ed. Thakkar, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1987. ISBN 0-8186-0759-9 (this book is a collection of selected reprints of seminal papers from journals and conferences)

  9. Finding fixpoints in abstract interpretation, Chris Clack and Simon L Peyton-Jones, Chapter 11 (pp 246-265) in Abstract Interpretation of Declarative Languages, ed. Abramsky and Hankin, Ellis Horwood, 1987. ISBN 0-7458-0109-9 Gzipped PDF (4.02M)

Edited Books and Proceedings

  1. Implementation of Functional Languages, Pieter Koopman and Chris Clack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop (IFL'99), Spinger Verlag LNCS 1868, 2000

  2. Implementation of Functional Languages, Kevin Hammond, Tony Davie and Chris Clack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop (IFL'98), Spinger Verlag LNCS 1595, 1999.

  3. Implementation of Functional Languages, Chris Clack, Kevin Hammond and Tony Davie (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop (IFL'97), Spinger Verlag LNCS 1467, 1998.

  4. Emerging Technologies 1997: Theory and Application of Evolutionary Computation , C. Clack, K. Vekaria and N.Zin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Emerging Technologies Workshop (ET'97), UCL, 1997.

  5. Emerging Technologies 1996: Software --- The Next Generation, C. Clack (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st Emerging Technologies Workshop (ET'96), UCL, 1996.

Refereed Journal and Conference Articles

  1. Context sensitivity in individual-based modeling, C-C.Chen, C.Clack and S.Nagl, BMC Systems Biology 1, Supplement 1, pp 44. ISSN 1752-0509 2007.

  2. A calculus for multi-level emergent behaviours in compnent-based systems and simulations, C-C.Chen, S.Nagl and C.Clack, in Proceedings of Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Complex Systems (EPNACS'2007), part of the 4th European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'07) 2007.

  3. Specifying, Detecting and Analysing Emergent Behaviours in Multi-Level Agent-Based Simulations, C-C.Chen, S.Nagl and C.Clack, in Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2007), pp 969--976, ISBN 1-56555-316-0. 2007. PDF (184k)

  4. ALPS evaluation in Financial Portfolio Optmisation, S.Patel and C.Clack, IEEE CEC. 2007. PDF (208k)

  5. Evolutionary simulation of hedging pressure in futures markets, J.Duke and C.Clack, IEEE CEC. 2007. Gzipped PDF (715k)

  6. Using an evolutionary agent-based simulation to explore hedging pressure in futures markets, J.Duke and C.Clack, GECCO. 2007.

  7. Nonlinearity linkage detection for financial time series analysis, T.Chiotis and C.Clack, GECCO. 2007. Gzipped PDF (2.1M)

  8. Evolving robust GP solutions for hedge fund stock selection in emerging markets, W.Yan and C.Clack, GECCO. 2007. Winner of Best Paper award. Gzipped PDF (746k)

  9. Diverse committees vote for dependable profits, W.Yan and C.Clack, GECCO. 2007. Gzipped PDF (746k)

  10. Behavioural GP Diversity for Dynamic Environments: an application in hedge fund investment, W.Yan and C.Clack, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp 1817-1824. ACM. ISBN 1-59593-186-4. 2006 Gzipped PDF (719k)

  11. gLINC: Identifying Composability using Group Perturbation, D.Coffin and C.Clack, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp1133-1140. ACM. ISBN 1-59593-186-4. 2006 Gzipped PDF (121k)

  12. Morphological Plasticity: Environmentally Driven Morphogenesis, K.Bentley and C.Clack, VIIIth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2005), Springer LNAI 3630, pp118-127, September 2005 Gzipped PDF (768k).

  13. The Artificial Cytoskeleton for Lifetime Adaptation of Morphology, K.Bentley and C.Clack, in SODANS workshop proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE IX), pp 13-16, 2004 PDF (380k).

  14. Royal Road Encodings and Schema Propagation in Selective Crossover, K.Vekaria and C.Clack, In Suzuki, Y., Ovaska, S., Furuhashi, T., Roy, R., and Dote, Y. (eds.) Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, pp 281-292. Springer-Verlag. Proceedings of WSC4 (21-30 Sept 1999). 2000 Postscript (175k). (See also )

  15. Hitchhikers Get Around K.Vekaria and C.Clack, in Proceedings Artificial Evolution (EA) 1999, November 3-5, LIL, Universite du Littoral, Dunkerque, France. Research Note RN/99/11, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. 1999. Postscript (482k). See LNCS 1829.

  16. A Data Structure, Memory Allocator and Memory Management System, C.Clack, UK Patent Application number 9924061.6, filing date 11th October 1999. PCT filing date 10th October 2001, number WO0231660. Title (Gzipped Word, 150k) Abstract (PDF, 36K), claims(PDF, 26K), description(Gzipped Word, 35K). Images ("Mosaics") (Gzipped Word, 90K),

  17. Schema Propagation in Selective Crossover K.Vekaria and C.Clack, in late breaking papers at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'99), eds. S.Brave and A.S.Wu, pages 268-275. 1999

    (Equation 5 in this paper has an error; a correction is provided in the two papers "Hitchhikers Get Around", and "Royal Road Encodings and Schema Propagation"). Gzipped PDF(6.12M). Gzipped PDF (217k)

  18. Biases Introduced by Adaptive Recombination Operators, K.Vekaria and C.Clack, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'99), July 13-17, 1999, Orlando, Florida USA, eds. Banzhaf et al., pp 670-677, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1558606114 1999. Postscript gecco99(783k).

  19. Selective Crossover in Genetic Algorithms: An Empirical Study, K.Vekaria and C.Clack, Proc. 5th Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, LNCS 1498, pp 438-447, 1998. Postscript (447k), PDF (58k).

  20. Selective Crossover in Genetic Algorithms, K.Vekaria and C.Clack, Proc. Genetic Programming 1998, pp 609, 1998 Postscript (92k).

  21. Recursion, Lambda Abstraction and Genetic Programming, T.Yu and C.Clack, Proc. Third Genetic Programming Conference, J.R. Koza, W. Banzhaf, K.Chellapilla, K. Deb, M. Dorigo, D.B. Fogel, M.H. Garzon, D.E. Goldberg, H. Iba, R. Riolo (Eds.), pp 422-431, Morgan Kaufmann, 1-55860-548-7.1998. Postscript (141k).

  22. PolyGP: A Polymorphic Genetic Programming System in Haskell, T.Yu and C.Clack, Proc. Third Genetic Programming Conference, J.R. Koza, W. Banzhaf, K.Chellapilla, K. Deb, M. Dorigo, D.B. Fogel, M.H. Garzon, D.E. Goldberg, H. Iba, R. Riolo (Eds.), pp 416-421, Morgan Kaufmann, 1-55860-548-7. 1998. Postscript (106k).

  23. Performance-Enhanced Genetic Programming, C.Clack and T.Yu, Proc. Evolutionary Programming 1997 Conference (EP'97), P.J. Angeline, R.G. Reynolds, J.R. McDonnell, and R. Eberhart (Eds), pp 87-100, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1213, ISBN 3-540-62788-X, 1997. Postscript (120k).

  24. Object-Flow, L. Braine and C. Clack, in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'97), IEEE, pages 418-419, Capri, Italy, September 1997 PostScript (159K). Gzipped PDF (53k).

  25. PolyGP: A Polymorphic Genetic Programming System in Haskell, T.Yu and C.Clack, in J.Koza (ed) Late breaking papers at the Genetic Programming 1997 Conference, pp 264-272, 1997.

  26. Genetic Programming with Gene Dominance, K.Vekaria and C.Clack, in J.Koza (ed) Late breaking papers at the Genetic Programming 1997 Conference, pp 300, Stanford University, ISBN 0-18-206995-8 1997. Postscript (57K).

  27. Autonomous Document Classification for Business, C.Clack, J.Farringdon, P.Lidwell and T.Yu, Proceedings 5th Autonomous Agents Conference, W. Lewis Johnson (Ed.), pages 201-208, ACM Press, ISBN 0-89791-877-0, 1997. Word (155K). Gzipped PDF (548k).

  28. Introducing CLOVER: an Object Oriented Functional Language, L.Braine and C.Clack, in W. Kluge (Ed.), Implementation of Functional Languages, 8th International Workshop (IFL'96), Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1268, pages 1-20, Springer-Verlag, Bonn, ISBN 3-540-63237-9, September 1996 Gzipped PostScript (63K)

  29. Advanced Technology Support for Information Management at Friends of the Earth, C.D.Clack, S.J.Gould, P.R.Lidwell, J.T.McDonnell, Proc. Technology Transfer and Innovation 1996 conference, London, July 1996, pp 170-175 Gzipped PDF (533K)

  30. The Dys-Functional Student, C.Clack and C.Myers, FPLE '95, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1022, pp289-309, December 1995 Gzipped PDF (142K)

  31. Lexical Profiling: Theory and Practice, C.D. Clack, S. Clayman, D.J. Parrott, Journal of Functional Programming, Vol 5 No. 2, pp 225-277, April 1995 Gzipped PDF (294k).

  32. Analysing Resource Use in the Lambda Calculus by Type Inference, S. Courtenage, C. Clack, Proc. ACM SIGplan Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'94), Orlando, Florida, pp 33-42, June 1994 Gzipped PDF (88k).

  33. Paragon - a Language for Modelling Lazy, Functional Workloads on Distributed Processors, D.Parrott, C.Clack, Proceedings 8th UK Performance Engineering Workshop, A.J.Field, P.G.Harrison, eds., Imperial College, pp199-215, 1991 Zipped PDF (141k).

  34. A Common Graphical Form, D.Parrott and C.Clack, in Proc. Phoenix Workshop on Declarative Programming, Sachsbachwalden, eds. J.Darlington and R.Dietrich, Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computing, 1992, pp224-238 Zipped PDF (152k)

  35. High Performance Parallel Graph Reduction, Simon L Peyton Jones, Chris Clack and Jon Salkild, Proceedings 1989 PARLE conference, Eindhoven, Springer-Verlag LNCS 365, pp 193-206, June 1989 Gzipped PDF (5.4M).

  36. Functional Programming on the GRIP multiprocessor , Simon L.Peyton-Jones, Chris Clack, Jon Salkild, Mark Hardie, Proc. Intl Specialist Seminar on Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors, pp 116-127, IEE, April 1988 PDF (757k).

  37. GRIP: A parallel graph reduction machine, Simon L Peyton Jones, Chris Clack and Jon Salkild, ICL Tech. Journal, pp 595-599, Vol.5, Issue 3, May 1987 Gzipped PDF.

  38. GRIP - a high performance architecture for parallel graph reduction, Simon L Peyton-Jones, Chris Clack, J Salkild and M.Hardie, Proceedings IFIP International Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPLCA), Portland (USA), Springer-Verlag LNCS 274, pp 98-112, September 1987 Gzipped PDF (5M).

  39. The four-stroke reduction engine, Chris Clack and Simon L Peyton-Jones, Proceedings 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, pp 220-232, Boston (USA), August 1986 PDF (5.5M).

  40. Strictness analysis - a practical approach, Chris Clack and Simon L Peyton-Jones, Proceedings IFIP International Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPLCA), Nancy (France), Springer-Verlag LNCS 201, pp 35-49, September 1985 Postscript(84k).

  41. A 10W single mode Pyrex waveguide CO2 laser, D Crocker, C D Clack, R J Butcher, Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, Vol.14(1), pp 121-122, January 1981 PDF(188k).

Invited Lectures, Seminars and Media Presentations

  1. Trade Tech (Paris), invited lecture - Innovation Challenges in Financial Computing, April 2008

  2. Trade Tech Architecture (London), invited lecture - Sex, Death and Profit, March 2008

  3. Fast Financial Algorithms, invited panel participant, Fast Financial Algorithms Conference at the Tanaka Business School, 4th July 2007

  4. BioScience Computing, invited seminar at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 8th November 2005

  5. BioScience Computing and the role of Computational Simulation in Biology and Medicine, invited opening talk at the Philip's Symposium on Intelligent Algorithms (SOIA'04), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1st December 2004

  6. Smart Memory for Smart Phones, presented at UK MM-NET Workshop on Memory Management for Handheld Devices, UCL, London, 2nd Dec. 2003 Powerpoint(497k).

  7. Memory Management for Small Embedded Devices, presented at IFIP WG2.8 meeting, Crans Montana, 2003 Powerpoint(525k).

  8. Functional Genetic Programming, presented at IFIP WG2.8 meeting, Crans Montana, 2003

  9. DIGRESS, presented at 11th Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming (GlaFP'98), 1998.

  10. Dynamic Memory Management for Memory-constrained Embedded Systems, invited presentation to TTPCom Ltd, 5th November 2002

  11. Dynamic Memory Management for Memory-constrained Embedded Systems, invited presentation to Symbian Ltd, 31st October 2002

  12. Dynamic Memory Management for Memory-constrained Embedded Systems, invited presentation to ARM Ltd, 25th October 2002

  13. Object Oriented Functional Programming, invited seminar at Westminster University, 8th December 1999.

  14. Prototyping and Simulation of an Object-Oriented Financial Application using Functional Programming Techniques, invited seminar at St. Andrews University, 1st December 1998.

  15. Introducing CLOVER: an Object-Oriented Functional Language, invited seminar at Herriot Watt University, 30th November 1998.

  16. Memory Management Techniques for Distributed Graph Reduction, invited seminar at St. Andrews University, 13th November 1998.

  17. Prototyping and Simulation of an Object-Oriented Financial Application using Functional Programming Techniques, invited seminar at Herriot Watt University, 26th October 1998.

  18. Object Oriented Functional Programming, presented at IFIP WG2.8 meeting, Mohonk, New York, September 1996 (21 pages)

  19. Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming, presented at 1996 Emerging Technologies Workshop, UCL, July 1996 (15 pages)

  20. Advanced IT at the Friends of the Earth, invited lecture at the Charities and the Internet conference, 30th April 1996.

  21. Crisis in High Performance Computing, invited session chair and panel discussant at CHPC workshop, 11th September, 1995.

  22. Commerce and the Internet, invited lecture at the Electronic Data Interchange conference, London, 29th March 1995.

  23. Painless Parallel Programs, invited poster exhibition presented to the public at the Royal Institution, 14th October 1994, 3 posters

  24. Abstract Machine Design for Functional Languages, invited seminar at the National Physical Laboratories, 1989.

  25. Abstract Machine Design for GRIP, invited seminar at the University of Liverpool, 1989.

  26. GRIP Abstract Machine Design, invited seminar at the University of Kent, March 1989.

  27. MUNGE: Memory Units Networked for Graph Evaluation, presented at IFP WG2.8 meeting, Glasgow, (10 pages) 1989, [RN/92/49]

  28. Abstract Machine Design for GRIP, invited presentation at Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA, 8th August 1988, [RN/92/50]

  29. GRIP Virtual Machine Design, invited lecture at the Los Alamos National Laboratories, 8th August 1988.

  30. GRIP --- a Parallel Graph Reduction Machine, invited seminar at Brunel University, 27th May 1988.

  31. The GRIP Parallel Processor, invited seminar at The Open University, 1988.

  32. Parallel Graph Reduction on GRIP, invited seminar at Sussex University, March 1988.

  33. GRIP --- a Parallel Graph Reduction Machine, invited seminar at Swansea University, 25th February 1988.

  34. GRIP --- a Parallel Graph Reduction Machine, invited seminar at Bristol University, 17th February 1988.

  35. The Four-Stroke Reduction Engine, invited seminar at the University of Essex, 15th May 1987.

  36. Introduction to the GRIP Multiprocessor, invited seminar at the University of Warwick, 12th May 1987.

  37. Parallel Functional Programming, invited seminar at Kingston Polytechnic, 19th February 1987.

  38. Graph Reduction in Parallel, invited lecture at the Alvey Systems Architecture Club, 24th November 1986.

  39. Generating Parallelism from Strictness Analysis, invited seminar at the University of Aston, 12th November 1986.

  40. GRIP: a Parallel Reduction Machine, invited seminar at the University of York, 19th March 1986.

  41. Parallel Functional Programming, invited seminar at Middlesex Polytechnic, 22nd January 1986.

  42. Parallel Functional Programming, invited seminar given to the Image Processing Group at UCL (Department of Physics), 1st May 1985.

Other Publications

  1. Simulating an Object-Oriented Financial System in a Functional Language, C.Clack, L.Braine, K.Haviland, O.Smith-Jaynes and A.Vautier, Internal Report, Accenture (formerly known as Andersen Consulting) 1998. Postscript (463K). Word 97 (83K).

  2. Simulating an Object-Oriented Financial System in a Functional Language, C.Clack and L.Braine, in draft Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages (IFL'98), 1998. Postscript (107K).

  3. Haploid Genetic Programming with Dominance, K.Vekaria and C.Clack, proceedings UCL Emerging Technologies Workshop, 1997. Postscript (232K).

  4. "An Object-Oriented Functional Approach to Information Systems Engineering", L. Braine and C. Clack, Proc. CAiSE'97 - Fourth Doctoral Consortium on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Barcelona, June 1997, [RN/97/3] PostScript (479K).

  5. The CLOVER Rewrite Rules: A Translation from OOFP to FP, L.Braine and C.Clack, in draft Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages (IFL'97), 1997. PostScript (161K).

  6. Object-Oriented Functional Spreadsheets, , C.Clack and L.Braine, Proc. 10th Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming (GlaFP'97), pp V11/1-12, 1997. PostScript (168K).

  7. Declarative Object-Oriented Spreadsheets, C. Clack and L. Braine, UCL Department of Computer Science Research Note RN/97/17 1997 (15 pages).

  8. Trouble with Types, Chris Clack and Colin Myers, UCL Department of Computer Science Research Note RN/97/18 1997.

  9. What comes after Object Orientation? Lee Braine and Chris Clack,, Proceedings 1996 Emerging Technologies Workshop, UCL, pp 2-32, July 1996

  10. Performance Profiling Chris Clack and Tina Callaghan, Proceedings 1996 Emerging Technologies Workshop, UCL, pp 33-43, July 1996

  11. An Adaptive Document Classification Agent, C.Clack, J.Farringdon, P.Lidwell and T.Yu, UCL Department of Computer Science Research Note RN/96/45, 1996.

  12. Evolving Knowledge Reuse Chris Clack, Proceedings 1996 Emerging Technologies Workshop, UCL, pp 66-84, July 1996

  13. Grow your own Programs Bill Langdon and Chris Clack, Proceedings 1996 Emerging Technologies Workshop, UCL, pp 44-52, July 1996

  14. Evolving Document Classification Chris Clack, Proceedings 1996 Emerging Technologies Workshop, UCL, pp 53-65, July 1996

  15. Painless Parallel Programming, C. Clack, Proc. PPECC (Parallel Processing in Engineering Community Club) 1995 Workshop, Abingdon, pp41-43, March 1995

  16. The DIGRESS Project: Final Report, C. Clack, Internal Technical Report, Athena Systems Design Ltd.1994

  17. A Profiling Technique for Lazy, Higher-order Functional Programs, S. Clayman, D. Parrott, and C. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/24]

  18. Performance Cost Accounting for GRIP, C.D. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/51]

  19. The Simple Four-Stroke Reduction Engine, C.D. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/52]

  20. A Proof of the Simple Four-Stroke Reduction Engine, C.D. Clack, April 1992, [RN/92/53]

  21. The Implementation of Sum and Product Domain Constructors for the Four-Stoke Reduction Engine, C.D. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/54]

  22. An Overview of the UCL DIGRESS Project, C.D. Clack and S. Courtenage, 1992, [RN/92/55]

  23. Synthesising Lazy, Functional Programs for Experimenting with Parallel Run-time Strategies, D. Parrott and C. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/71]

  24. Paragon -- A Language for Modelling Lazy, Functional Workloads on Distributed Processors, D. Parrott and C. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/72]

  25. Measuring Resource Consumption of Lazy, Higher-Order Functional Programs (Extended Abstract), S. Clayman, D. Parrott and C. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/73]

  26. Analysing the Behaviour of Lazy, Higher-Order Functional Programs, S. Clayman, D. Parrott and C. Clack, 1992, [RN/92/81]

  27. GRIP: A parallel graph reduction machine, Simon L Peyton-Jones, Chris Clack and Neil Harris, Proc. Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages, pp59-91, Chalmers University of Technology & University of Goteborg, Report 17, February 1985

  28. Generating parallelism from strictness analysis, Chris Clack and Simon L Peyton-Jones, Proc. Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages, pp92-131, Chalmers University of Technology & University of Goteborg, Report 17, February 1985