University College London
Department of Computer Science

Vision, Imaging and Virtual Environments Research Group

The Virtual Light Field:
Global Illumination - Propagation and Rendering

EPSRC GR/R13685/01


A One Day Seminar - 4th June, 2004

Room 203, Computer Science (Pearson Building)

This one day seminar will report results of research on a paradigm for computer graphics that we call 'the virtual light field'. This approach supports interactive walkthrough of scenes that are globally illuminated, and also the possibility for dynamic changes to the scene. A second and related approach supports real-time ray tracing. In this seminar we will explain in detail how the system works, its problems, the solutions to these problems - and try to give inside knowledge of how a working solution was reached. We will also discuss the major outstanding problems associated with this research.

There will be no cost in attending the seminar and refreshments and a sandwich lunch will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you at this event:

Mel Slater, Principal Investigator
Pankaj Khanna, Research Fellow
Jesper Mortensen, PhD student
Insu Yu, Research Fellow


Morning - The Fundamental Algorithm for VLF Global Illumination

10.00 - 10.30 Arrival and Refreshments

10.30 - 11.05 Mel Slater Introduction - Basic Structures of the VLF

11.05 - 11.40 Pankaj Khanna - Propagating the VLF - Problems and Solutions I

11:40 - 11:50 BREAK

11.50 - 12.20 Insu Yu  - Propagating the VLF - Problems and Solutions II

12.20- 12.50 Jesper Mortensen - VLF Rendering and Implementation Details

12.50- 1.00 Discussion

01.00 - 2.00 LUNCH

Afternoon - Virtual Light Transport and Ray Tracing 

02.00 - 02.45  Insu Yu  - Virtual Light Transport and Rendering - An Alternative Approach

02.45 - 3.00 Mel Slater - Ray Tracing Using the VLF Data Structure - Introduction

03.00 - 3.10   BREAK

03.10 - 3.40 Jesper Mortensen - VLF Ray Tracing (VLF-RT)  for Walkthrough

03.40 - 4.00 Pankaj Khanna - VLF-RT for Dynamic Scenes

04.00 - 4.15 Discussion

If you intend to come to this meeting please use Subject Header: VLF Seminar in an email to