Real Time Shadows for Animated Crowds
in Virtual Cities

Céline Loscos, Franco Tecchia, Yiorgos Chrysanthou
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT


In this paper, we address the problem of shadow computation for large environments including thousands of dynamic objects. The assumption of the method is that the model is 2.5D, which is often the case for virtual cities. We propose a method which exploits this property, avoiding complex visibility computation. We apply our method for virtual cities populated by thousands of walking humans, which are rendered in our case with impostors, allowing real time simulation.

In this paper, we treat the cases of shadows cast by buildings on humans, and by humans on the ground. To avoid 3D computation, we represent the shadows cast by buildings onto the environment with a 2.5D shadow map. When humans move, we quickly access the shadow information at the current location with a 2D grid. For each new position of the human, we compute the coverage of the human by the shadow and we display it with low cost using multi-texturing hardware. We also use the property of impostor to display the shadow of humans on the ground plane, by projecting the impostor relatively to the light source.

The method is currently limited to sharp shadows and a single light source. However approximations could be made to allow non-accurate soft-shadows. We show in the result that the computation of the shadows as well as the display is done in real time, and that the method could be easily extended for real time moving light sources.

Keywords: Shadow computation, dynamic shadows, real time rendering, populated virtual cities, multi-texturing.


Images: Method

Shadow volume map.

Shadow textured impostor.
left: unshaded, middle: totally shaded,
right: partially shaded.


Images: Results

Simulation with no shadows
(1000 of humans)

Simulation with shadows
(1000 of humans)

Closer view
(1000 of humans)

Light direction almost at the vertical above the model.
(10.000 humans)

Light direction at the diagonal.
(10.000 humans)

Light direction almost parallel to the ground.(10.000 humans)


All videos are encoded with MPEG4 better known as DivX and are recorded in real time and full screen , on a PC Intel Pentium III 833MHz with an NVIDIA GeForce GTS2 64MB. A DivX codec can be found at .

Navigation in the model with 10.000 humans,
without shadows.

MPEG4 5.33MB

QuickTime 4.86MB

Navigation in the model with 10.000 humans,
with shadows of buildings on the ground.

MPEG4 6.96MB

QuickTime 6.27MB

Navigation in the model with 10.000 humans,
with shadows of the buildings and the humans on the ground.

MPEG4 7.61MB

QuickTime 7.10MB

Navigation in the model with 10.000 humans,
with shadows of the buildings, the humans onto the ground, and humans shaded.

MPEG4 7.43MB

QuickTime 15.3MB

Navigation in the model with 10.000 humans, at midday.       

MPEG4 3.07MB

QuickTime 7.27MB

Navigation in the model with 10.000 humans,
in late afternoon.


MPEG4 3.25MB

QuickTime 7.27MB