Acting in VR

Department of Computer Science
University College London


Go to: SIGGRAPH 2000 Sketch: Acting Rehearsal in Virtual Reality

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Snapshot Gallery

Important Note: The pictures in these galleries are mostly taken at the resolution of 1026x1008 and are between 100K and 150K. The major exceptions to this are the gesture interface pictures which are a smaller size and are only about 25K.

The acting experiment

Pictures/acting10.jpg Pictures/acting12.jpg Pictures/acting13.jpg Pictures/acting14.jpg
Pictures/acting18.jpg Pictures/acting2.jpg Pictures/acting4.jpg Pictures/acting5.jpg
Pictures/acting8.jpg Pictures/facesnap6.jpg Pictures/acting9.jpg Pictures/fig6.jpg
Pictures/fig2.1-face.jpg Pictures/fig2.2-face.jpg Pictures/fig2.3-face.jpg Pictures/fig2.4-face.jpg

The Gesture Interface

Pictures/facesnap7int.jpg Pictures/facesnap8int.jpg Pictures/facesnap9int.jpg

The real and virtual compared

Pictures/mvc00001.jpg Pictures/mvc00002.jpg