Boids Application

This page will tell you enough to go away and build the boids application. It describes the build and running of the clock application, and also gives an annotation of the code to explain how the application works.

Later we discuss the performance of this system over a network.

Build and Run



The boids application has many parameters to specify its behaviour. By default it will creat a flock of 10 boids in the empty field of the tutorial world. Options are available to change the geometry of the boid, the number, the flock dynamics, flock constraints and perching behaviour. Please experiment.

You will of course have to run this with multiuser support set up with diveserver.

Annotated Code

Some of the comments have been stripped for brevity. All code is copyright SICS and UCL.


#include "dive/dive.h"
#include "dive/lammopt.h"
#include "dive/ai_util.h"

#define DEFAULT_STARTING_WORLD "tutorial"

#define DEFAULT_BOID ""

static char rcsid[] = "boids.c,v 1.24 1996/08/27 14:21:07 olof Exp";
static void print_rcsid() {if (1) printf("%s\n", rcsid); else print_rcsid();}

/* Structure for boid storage */
typedef struct {
  objid_t boid_id;
  point_t boid_pos;
  point_t boid_vel;
  int resting;
} Boid;

Boid *boids;

/* These control the dynamics of the flock. All are fairly
   self-explanatory and all can be set on the command line. (If you
   have the patience) */

static char* boid_file;
static int number_boids;
static float update_frequency;
static float inertia_factor;
static float pull_factor;
static float proximity_distance;
static float proximity_factor;
static float bound_velocity;
static float max_velocity;
int can_perch;
float perch_time;
float perch_variable;
point_t start_min_pt;
point_t start_max_pt;
point_t world_min_pt;
point_t world_max_pt;

  Local Functions

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * vector functions
 * I peeked in geometry.c and found some vector math but these were
 * missing, or only have static versions
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

#define vecscale(v,d,r) (r)->x = (v)->x*d; (r)->y = (v)->y*d; (r)->z = (v)->z*d;
#define veclength(v) (sqrt(((v)->x * (v)->x) + ((v)->y * (v)->y) + ((v)->z * (v)->z)))

#define vecclear(v) (v)->x =0.0; (v)->y = 0.0; (v)->z = 0.0;

void vecnorm(point_t *v, point_t *r) {
  float tmp = veclength(v);

void veclimit(point_t *v, double l, point_t *r) {
  double t = veclength(v);
  if (t < l) {
    if (v==r) {
    else {
      r->x = v->x;
      r->y = v->y;
      r->z = v->z;
  else {

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * on_timer
 *      does the boid dynamics. All parameters can be customised
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

static void
on_timer(void *arg)
  int i,j;
  /* Move the boids */
  point_t center;
  point_t lcenter;
  point_t inertia;
  point_t tmp;
  point_t orient[3]; 
  int proximate;
  int active=0;

  orient[1].x = 0.0; orient[1].y = 1.0; orient[1].z = 0.0;

  for (i=0; i< number_boids; i++) {
/*     printf("%i is resting %i active %i\n",i,boids[i].resting,active); */
    if (boids[i].resting<=0) {
      vecadd(¢er, &boids[i].boid_pos, ¢er); /* Flock center */
      vecadd(&inertia, &boids[i].boid_vel, &inertia); /* Flock inertia */
  if (active) {
    vecscale(¢er, 1/(active), ¢er); /* Flock center */
  vecscale(&inertia, inertia_factor/update_frequency, &inertia);

  for (i=0; i< number_boids; i++) {

    if (boids[i].resting > 0) {
    else {
      /* Flock Pull */
      vecdiff(¢er, &boids[i].boid_pos , &tmp);
      vecscale(&tmp, pull_factor/update_frequency, &tmp);
      vecadd(&boids[i].boid_vel, &tmp, &boids[i].boid_vel);

      /* Flock Inertia */
      vecadd(&boids[i].boid_vel, &inertia, &boids[i].boid_vel); 

      /* Neighbour Avoidance */
      proximate = 0;
      for (j=0; j< number_boids; j++) {
	if (i!=j) {
	  vecdiff(&boids[i].boid_pos, &boids[j].boid_pos , &tmp);
	  if (veclength(&tmp) < proximity_distance) {
      if (proximate) {
	vecadd(&boids[i].boid_vel, &lcenter, &boids[i].boid_vel);
      /* Max velocity */
      veclimit(&boids[i].boid_vel, max_velocity, &boids[i].boid_vel);

      /* Calc new position */
      vecscale(&boids[i].boid_vel, 1/update_frequency, &tmp)
      vecadd(&boids[i].boid_pos, &tmp, &boids[i].boid_pos);

      /* World limits */
      if (boids[i].boid_pos.x > world_max_pt.x) 
	boids[i].boid_vel.x += -bound_velocity;
      if (boids[i].boid_pos.x < world_min_pt.x) 
	boids[i].boid_vel.x +=  bound_velocity;
      if (boids[i].boid_pos.y > world_max_pt.y) 
	boids[i].boid_vel.y += -bound_velocity;
      if (boids[i].boid_pos.y < world_min_pt.y)   {
	if (can_perch) {
	  boids[i].boid_pos.y = 0.0;
	  boids[i].boid_vel.y = bound_velocity;
	  boids[i].resting    = (int)(perch_time+ 
	else {
	  boids[i].boid_vel.y += bound_velocity;
      if (boids[i].boid_pos.z > world_max_pt.z) 
	boids[i].boid_vel.z += -bound_velocity;
      if (boids[i].boid_pos.z < world_min_pt.z) 
	boids[i].boid_vel.z +=  bound_velocity;

      /* Calculate orientation */
      vecnorm(&boids[i].boid_vel, &tmp);
      cross(&tmp, &orient[1], &orient[2]);
      cross(&orient[1], &orient[2], &orient[0]);

      distr_abs_transform(&boids[i].boid_id, orient, &boids[i].boid_pos, 
		     WORLD_C, NULL, NULL);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * interaction_cb
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

static void
interaction_cb(objid_t *dest_id, interaction_type_t type, objid_t *pid, 
	       objid_t *src_id, point_t *pt, objid_t *viewid,void *arg)
  int boid_number = (int) arg;

  /* No source or no destination! */
  if (!src_id || !dest_id)
    return ;

  switch (type) {
    /* Kill current boid and make a new one  */
    printf("Select one %i\n", boid_number);

static void boids_exit(void *arg)
  int i;

  /* For all boids */
  for (i=0;iid;
    distr_new_top(&boids[i].boid_id, NULL);
    boids[i].boid_pos.x = start_min_pt.x + 
      (( start_max_pt.x - start_min_pt.x) * drand48());
    boids[i].boid_pos.y = start_min_pt.y + 
      (( start_max_pt.y - start_min_pt.y) * drand48());
    boids[i].boid_pos.z = start_min_pt.z + 
      (( start_max_pt.z - start_min_pt.z) * drand48());

    boids[i].boid_vel.x = 0;
    boids[i].boid_vel.y = 0;
    boids[i].boid_vel.z = 0;

    boids[i].resting = 0;

    /* Register  to be called each time a select interaction
       signal is sent to the boids */
    callback_register_filter(INTERACTION_SIGNAL, interaction_cb, 0,
			     &boids[i].boid_id, NULL, 0x0, (void *)i);

  dive_add_exit_fn(boids_exit, NULL);


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * main
 * Init system, setup boids and run forever.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *start_world;
  objid_t wid;
  LambOption opts[] = {
    {"boid", REQ_ARG, &boid_file, setstr, DEFAULT_BOID,  NULL},
    {"number", REQ_ARG, &number_boids, setint, "10",  NULL},
    {"frequency", REQ_ARG, &update_frequency, setfloat, "10",  NULL},
    {"inertia_factor", REQ_ARG, &inertia_factor, setfloat, "0.01",  NULL},
    {"pull_factor", REQ_ARG, &pull_factor, setfloat, "2.0",  NULL},
    {"prox_dist", REQ_ARG, &proximity_distance, setfloat, "5.0",  NULL},
    {"prox_factor", REQ_ARG, &proximity_factor, setfloat, "5.0",  NULL},
    {"bound_velocity", REQ_ARG, &bound_velocity, setfloat, "0.2",  NULL},
    {"max_velocity", REQ_ARG, &max_velocity, setfloat, "15",  NULL},
    {"can_perch", REQ_ARG, &can_perch, setint, "1",  NULL},
    {"perch_time", REQ_ARG, &perch_time, setfloat, "5.0",  NULL},
    {"perch_variable", REQ_ARG, &perch_variable, setfloat, "5.0",  NULL},

    /* Lammopt doesn't do points so we do this the painful way. These
       put the birds in the empty field of the tutorial world */
    {"sxmin", REQ_ARG, &start_min_pt.x, setfloat, "-170.0",  NULL},
    {"sxmax", REQ_ARG, &start_max_pt.x, setfloat, "-130.0",  NULL},
    {"symin", REQ_ARG, &start_min_pt.y, setfloat, "0.0",  NULL},
    {"symax", REQ_ARG, &start_max_pt.y, setfloat, "+20.0",  NULL},
    {"szmin", REQ_ARG, &start_min_pt.z, setfloat, "+130.0",  NULL},
    {"szmax", REQ_ARG, &start_max_pt.z, setfloat, "+170.0",  NULL},

    {"wxmin", REQ_ARG, &world_min_pt.x, setfloat, "-300.0",  NULL},
    {"wxmax", REQ_ARG, &world_max_pt.x, setfloat, "+300.0",  NULL},
    {"wymin", REQ_ARG, &world_min_pt.y, setfloat, "0.0",  NULL},
    {"wymax", REQ_ARG, &world_max_pt.y, setfloat, "+100.0",  NULL},
    {"wzmin", REQ_ARG, &world_min_pt.z, setfloat, "0.0",  NULL},
    {"wzmax", REQ_ARG, &world_max_pt.z, setfloat, "+300.0",  NULL},

  /* Parse the command line arguments */
  start_world = std_init(opts, sizeof(opts)/sizeof(*opts), argc, argv);

  /* Connect to a world, the new world will get identifier wid */
  distr_world_connect(start_world, &wid, NULL);

  /* Read and initialize boids: it will appear in the new world */

  /* Initialize alarm frequency. */

  /* Register  to be called each time the alarm wakeups. */
  alarm_add(on_timer, NULL);

  /* GO! */


You can use a proxyserver and proxy.tcl in order to examine how much traffic is generated by the boids demo. 30 boids at 10Hz generates about 100Kb a second. You can run 200 boids quite happily over ethernet before the client starts to stall because of the overhead of packet receipt. 1 boid generates more traffic than your average avatar, so this might indicate how many users you can expect to get after initial set up? Of course these numbers weren't taken on an Indy :-)

Anthony Steed,