
Research Notes Index - 1997

Ascription of Intensional Ontologies in Anthropological

R. Bordini , J.A. Campbell , R. Vieira


January 1997

Book: Proc. of the First International Workshop on Cooperative Information

City: Berlin

Issuer: Springer-Verlag

pages count: to~appear

Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series, v. 1202,

Prospects for Internet Technology

B. Carpenter , J. Crowcroft


January 1997

Pages: 13

Submission Status: submitted to Distributed Systems Engineering

An Object-Oriented Functional Approach to Information Systems Engineering

L. Braine , C. Clack


February 1997

Submission Status: to be presented at CAiSE'97 - Fourth Doctoral Consortium on Advanced

Integrating Object-Oriented and Functional Programming

L. Braine


February 1997

Submission Status: position paper submitted to "Software Engineering Association

Multicast Audio: The Next Generation

Colin Perkins , Vicky Hardman , Angela Sasse , Isidor Kouvelas


February 1997

Submission Status: submitted a paper to the INET'97 conference

A Reliable Multicast Data Distribution Protocol Based on Software FEC Techniques

Luigi Rizzo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Universita di Pisa , Lorenzo Vicisano


February 1997

Book: Proc. of The Fourth IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and Implementation

Submission Status: submitted a paper to the INET'97 conference

Low-level Edge Detection Using Genetic Programming: Performance,

C. Harris , B. Buxton


January 1997

Pages: 23

Submission Status: submitted to special edition of Image & Vision Computing

Object Flow

L. Braine , C. Clack


February 1997

Submission Status: submitted on 26/02/97 to "1997 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages" (VL'97),

Experiences in Integrating Multimedia Services, Service Management and


Submission Status: submitted on 26/02/97 to "1997 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages" (VL'97),

David Lewis

Experiences in Integrating Multimedia Services, Service Management and

David Lewis , Thanassis Tiropanis , Alistair McEwan , Cliff Redmond , Vincent Wade , Ralf Bracht


February 1997

Book: Proc. First IFIP/IEEE International Confernce on Management of

Keywords: Inter-domain service management, TINA Service Architecture, reusable

pages count: to~appear

Abstract: Abstract: the results of this practical development work, detailing the

Submission Status: submitted on 26/02/97 to "1997 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages" (VL'97),

Conceptual Design Reconsidered

Louise Clark , Angela Sasse


February 1997

Abstract: Abstract: identified a metaphor which could be extended into a design model the design model. The case study demonstrates the potential of

Submission Status: to appear in People and Computers XII - Proc. of HCI'97, Bristol, August

On Management of Future Digital Services over Residential Broadband

S. Bhatti , G. Knight


February 1997

Submission Status: submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

Issues in Residential Broadband Internet Service Provision

S. Bhatti , G. Knight


Submission Status: Proc. 8th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC8), Edinburgh,

Making Passwords Secure and Usable

A. Adams , P. Lunt


February 1997

Book: Proc. BCS HCI specialist group conference, the XII HCI conference

Keywords: Security, Passwords, Grounded Theory, Human & Organisational Factors.

pages count: to~appear

Abstract: Abstract: the number of passwords and frequency of password use. In-depth analysis the interview data revealed that the degree to which users conform to

Submission Status: Proc. 8th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC8), Edinburgh,

Building Shared Trees Using a One-to-Many Joining Mechanism

K. Carlberg , J. Crowcroft


February 1997

Journal: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review

Volume: 1

pages count: 5-11

Vol: 27

Submission Status: Proc. 8th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC8), Edinburgh,

Worst Case Traffic of Independent Leaky Bucket Sources: The Myth of the

Philippe Oechslin


March 1997

Book: Proc. IFIP Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS '97),

Pages: 9

pages count: 67-76

Abstract: Abstract: typical of an ATM switch or in a wider sense of an RSVP capable

Submission Status: Proc. 8th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC8), Edinburgh,

Multimedia Conferencing via Multicast: Determining the

A. Watson , M. A. Sasse


March 1997

Submission Status: submitted to 1997 International Workshop on Audio-Visual Services over

Declarative Object-Oriented Spreadsheets


Submission Status: submitted to 1997 International Workshop on Audio-Visual Services over

Chris Clack

Declarative Object-Oriented Spreadsheets

Chris Clack , Lee Braine



Pages: 15

Submission Status: submitted to: Ninth International Symposium on Programming

Trouble with Types


Submission Status: submitted to: Ninth International Symposium on Programming

Chris Clack

Trouble with Types

Chris Clack , Colin Myers


April 1997

Pages: 13

Submission Status: Submitted to: First International Conference on Declarative Programming

Redundancy Control in Real-Time Internet Audio Conferencing

I. Kouvelas , O. Hodson , V. Hardman , J. Crowcroft


April 1997

Submission Status: extended abstract submitted to AVSPN'97 - International Workshop

A Study of the Obstacles to Increased Stakeholder Participation in

Russel Winder , Ismail Ismail


April 1997

Keywords: SISP, Participation, Stakeholder Empowerment, Democracy.

Pages: 10

Abstract: Abstract:

Submission Status: Submitted to the BCS Information Systems Methodologies Specialist Group

A Knowledge-Based Apprpach To Fast Frequency

N. Chatterjee , J. Campbell


May 1997

Abstract: Abstract: the consultants who often use their heuristics on prevailing geo-physical

Submission Status: submitted for publication in the journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Framework For Reliable Multicast Application Design


Submission Status: submitted for publication in the journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Z. Wang

Framework For Reliable Multicast Application Design

Z. Wang , J. Crowcroft , C. Diot, INRIA , A. Ghosh, UTS


May 1997

Submission Status: Submitted to Hipparch'97

CacheMesh: A Distributed Cache System For World Wide Web


Submission Status: Submitted to Hipparch'97

Z. Wang

CacheMesh: A Distributed Cache System For World Wide Web

Z. Wang , J. Crowcroft


May 1997

Submission Status: Submitted to Web Cache Workshop'97

Routing in the Integrated SDH and ATM Networks

G.Knight , R.Shi


May 1997

Submission Status: Accepted by NOC'97, June 1997, Antwerp Belguim

QoS Routing Solutions for Hybrid ATM and SDH Networks

C.Verdier , M.Chartzaki , G.Knight , R.Shi


May 1997

Submission Status: accepted by IS&N 97, May 1997, Comer Italy

An Extension of OSQL to Support Ordered Domains in Relational Databases.

W. Ng , M. Levene


May 1997

Book: IEEE Proc. of the International Database Engineering and

pages count: to~appear

Submission Status: accepted by IS&N 97, May 1997, Comer Italy

The Development of Ordered SQL Packages to Support Data Warehousing

W. Ng , M. Levene


May 1997

Book: Proc. of the 8th International Database Workshop, Hong

pages count: to~appear

Submission Status: accepted by IS&N 97, May 1997, Comer Italy

Design Patterns for Parallelizing Vision-related Applications on Network


Submission Status: accepted by IS&N 97, May 1997, Comer Italy

Sanjay Kadam

Design Patterns for Parallelizing Vision-related Applications on Network

Sanjay Kadam , Graham Roberts , Bernard Buxton


June 1997

Submission Status: to be presented at 11th Annual International Symposium on High Performance

Three-Dimensional Versus Two-Dimensional Depictions for

M.A. Brown , M. Slater


June 1997

Book: Proc. of the 10th International Sessions, The 34th

pages count: 92-95

Submission Status: to be presented at 11th Annual International Symposium on High Performance

The Sensitivity of Presence to Collision Response

S. Uno , M. Slater


June 1997

Submission Status: accepted for publication, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual

Incremental Updates to Scenes Illuminated by Area Light Sources

Y. Chrysanthou , M. Slater


June 1997

Submission Status: to appear in Proceedings of 8th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Rendering, Saint Etienne,

Three-Dimensional Versus Two-Dimensional Displays for Air

M. Brown , M. Slater


June 1997

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

View Volume Culling Using a Probabilistic Caching Scheme

M. Slater , Y. Chrysanthou


June 1997

Submission Status: to appear in Proc.ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology VRST'97, Lausanne,

Low-level Edge Detection Using Genetic Programming: Performance,

C. Harris


June 1997

Submission Status: submitted to a special edition of Image Vision Computing journal on Evolutionary Computation in

Strongly Typed Genetic Programming To Promote Hierarchy Through Explicit

C. Harris


June 1997

Submission Status: submitted as a late-breaking paper to Genetic Programming 1997 conference

Agents with Moral Sentiments Playing the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.

A. Bazan , R. Bordini , J.A. Campbell


June 1997

Submission Status: to be presented in the Socially Intelligent Agents Symposium, held with

Genetic Programming with Gene Dominance

K. Vekaria , C. Clack


June 1997

Book: Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the

Ed: Koza, John R., Deb, Kalyanmoy, Dorigo, Marco, Fogel, David

Issuer: Morgan Kaufmann

Submission Status: poster paper

A User Survey on Ordered SQL

W. Ng , M. Levene


June 1997

Submission Status: submitted to ACM Sigmod Record

Application of weak classifier architectures to protein structure

Denise Gorse


June 1997

Keywords: neural networks, ensemble methods, protein structure prediction

Pages: 4

Abstract: Abstract: extended from its original two-class formulation to deal with the

Submission Status: Oral presentation at ECSAP'97, Prague, June 1997 and to appear in


A. Adams , M-A. Sasse


June 1997

Abstract: Abstract: controlled. The general consensus is that most users are careless and

Submission Status: Oral presentation at ECSAP'97, Prague, June 1997 and to appear in

A Distributed Trust Model


Submission Status: Oral presentation at ECSAP'97, Prague, June 1997 and to appear in

Alfarez Abdul-Rahman

A Distributed Trust Model

Alfarez Abdul-Rahman , Stephen Hailes


June 1997

Submission Status: to appear in Proceedings of New Security Paradigms Workshop 97

The PGP Trust Model


Submission Status: to appear in Proceedings of New Security Paradigms Workshop 97

Alfarez Abdul-Rahman

The PGP Trust Model

Alfarez Abdul-Rahman


June 1997

Journal: EDI-Forum: The Journal of Electronic Commerce

Volume: 3

pages count: 27-31

Vol: 10

Submission Status: to appear in Proceedings of New Security Paradigms Workshop 97

A Distributed Trust Model


Submission Status: to appear in Proceedings of New Security Paradigms Workshop 97

Alfarez Abdul-Rahman

A Distributed Trust Model

Alfarez Abdul-Rahman , Stephen Hailes


June 1997

Submission Status: presented at DIMACS Workshop on Trust Management in Networks

Multi-Spectral Probabilistic Diffusion using Baysian Classification

S. Arridge , A. Simmons


June 1997

pages count: to-appear

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Optical Imaging in Medicine 1: Experimental Techniques

J.C. Hebden , S. Arridge , D.T. Delpy


June 1997

Journal: Physics in Medicine and Biology

Volume: 5

pages count: 825-840

Vol: 42

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Optical Imaging in Medicine II: Modelling and Reconstruction

S. Arridge , J. Hebden


June 1997

Journal: Physics in Medicine and Biology

Volume: 5

Vol: 42

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Imaging Through Scattering Media by the Use of an Analytical Model of

J. Hebden , S. Arridge


June 1997

Journal: Applied Optics

Volume: 34

pages count: 6788-6796

Vol: 35

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

A Theoretical and experimental Investigation of Near Infrared Light

E. Okada , M. Firbank , M. Schweiger , S. Arridge , M. Cope , D. Delpy


June 1997

Journal: Applied Optics

Volume: 1

pages count: 21-31

Vol: 36

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

One to Many Reliable Bulk-Data Transfer in the MBone

L. Vicisano , J. Crowcroft


June 1997

Book: Proc. of the Third International Workshop on High Performance Protocol

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Recent Activities in the MERCI Conferencing Project

P. Kirstein , R. Bennett


June 1997

Book: Proc. 8th Joint European Networking Conference, JENC8, Edinburgh,

pages count: 923-1 - 923-11

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Real-Time Audio and Video Transmission of IEEE GLOBECOM'96 over the

C. Perkins , J. Crowcroft


June 1997

Journal: IEEE Communications Magazine

pages count: 30-33

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Prospects for Internet Technology

B. Carpenter , J. Crowcroft


June 1997

Government Order Number: 0967-1846

Journal: Distributed Systems Engineering

pages count: 78-86

Vol: 4

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

The MERCI Project- Improving Multimedia Conferencing for Research

R. Bennett , P. Kirsein


June 1997

Book: Proc. UKERNA Videoconferencing Workshop, Nottingham, May 1996

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Combining a Neural Network with Case-based Reasoning in a Dionostic System

J. Campbell , E. Reategui , B. Leao


June 1997

Journal: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

pages count: 5-

Vol: 9

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

A Perspective on Symbollic Mathematical Computing and Artificial

J.A. Campbell , J. Calmet


June 1997

Journal: Annals of Mathematics and Artificail Intelligence

pages count: 1-

Vol: 9

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Integrated Services in the Internet: State of the Art

P. White , J. Crowcroft


June 1997

Book: NetWorkshop 25, March 1997

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

P. White

RSVP and Integrated Services in the Internet: a Tutorial

P. White , J. Crowcroft


Journal: IEEE Communications Magazine

pages count: ?

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Reservations about Reservations

F. Baker , J. Crowcroft , R. Guerin , H. Schulzrinne , L. Zhang


June 1997

Book: Proc. 5th IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service, May 21-23

pages count: 325-331

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Implementing TMN-like Management Services in a TINA Compliant

D. griffin , G. Pavlou , T. Tin


June 1997

Book: Proc. Fourth International Conference on Intelligence in Broadband

pages count: to~appear

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

A General Framwwork for Routing Management in Multi-Service ATM Networks

P. Geogatsos , D. Griffin


June 1997

Book: Proc. 5th IFIP/IEEE International Smposium on Integrated Network Management

pages count: ?

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Unified Fault, Resource Management and Control in ATM-Based IBCNs

S. Sartzetakis , P. Geogatsos , G. Konstantoulakis , G. Pavlou , D. Griffin


June 1997

Book: Proc. 5th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network

pages count: ?

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

A Methodology for Developing Integrated Multi-Domain Service Management

V. Wade , D. Lewis , M. Sheppard , M. Tschichholz , J. Hall


July 1997

Book: Proc. 4th International Conference on Intelligence in Services and

City: Berlin

Government Order Number: 3540631356

Issuer: Springer-Verlag

pages count: 243-254

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

A Comparison of Channel Coding Techniques for Internet Audio


Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Orion Hodson

A Comparison of Channel Coding Techniques for Internet Audio

Orion Hodson , Colin Perkins , Anna Watson , Vicky Hardman


July 1997

Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Design Issues of the Fetch Pipeline Stage of the Superflux Superscalar


Submission Status: to appear in Proc. Scale Space'97

Alberto Ferreira de Souza

Design Issues of the Fetch Pipeline Stage of the Superflux Superscalar

Alberto Ferreira de Souza , Eliseu Monteiro Chaves Filho , Peter Rounce


July 1997

Submission Status: submitted to IX SBAC - PAD, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Architectures and High Performance Processing

Ticket Based Service Access for the Mobile User


Submission Status: submitted to IX SBAC - PAD, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Architectures and High Performance Processing

Bhrat Patel

Ticket Based Service Access for the Mobile User

Bhrat Patel , Jon Crowcroft


July 1997

Submission Status: to appear in: Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM/IEEE International

Evaluating Real-Time Multimedia Audio and Video Quality

Anna Watson


July 1997

Book: Proc. CHI'97

Keywords: Multimedia conferencing, MBone, speech intelligibility, speech quality,

Pages: 2

pages count: 73-74

Abstract: Abstract:

Submission Status: Doctoral consortium at CHI '97

TCP-like Congestion Control for Layered Multicast Data Transfer

L. Vicisano , L. Rizzo , J. Crowcroft


July 1997

Pages: 25

Submission Status: submitted to IEEE INFOCOM'98

Interpolation of Rules: A Means of Fast Decision Making for Real-Time Problem Solving


Submission Status: submitted to IEEE INFOCOM'98

N. Chatterjee

Interpolation of Rules: A Means of Fast Decision Making for Real-Time Problem Solving

N. Chatterjee , J.A. Campbell


September 1997

Abstract: Abstract: not go together; RBR (being search-intensive, and therefore open-ended in

Submission Status: accepted for the ANNUAL CONFERENCE - EXPERT SYSTEMS '97

Interpolation of Rules: A Means of Fast Decision Making for Real-Time Problem Solving


Submission Status: accepted for the ANNUAL CONFERENCE - EXPERT SYSTEMS '97

Interpolation of Rules: A Means of Fast Decision Making for Real-Time Problem Solving


Submission Status: accepted for the ANNUAL CONFERENCE - EXPERT SYSTEMS '97
