Research Notes Index - 1995
Evolving Data Structures Using Genetic Programming
W. LangdonRN/95/1
January 1995
Pages: 10
Abstract: Abstract: put and get. We show that GP can simultaneously evolve all the
Experiences in Multi-domain Management System Development
D. Lewis , S. O'Connell , W. Donnelly , L. BjerringRN/95/2
January 1995
Book: Intergrated Network Managent IV: Proceedings of the 4th international
City: London
Government Order Number: 0412 715708
Issuer: Chapman Hall
Pages: 12
pages count: 494-505
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
W. LangdonRN/95/3
January 1995
Pages: 15
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Scheduling Planned Maintenance of the National Grid
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
The Interworking of Internet and ISDN Networks for Multimedia Conferencing
S. Clayman , B. Hestnes, Norwegian Telecom Research , P. KirsteinRN/95/4
January 1994
Journal: Infomation Services and Use
Pages: 28
pages count: 75-101
Vol: 15
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to the AISB workshop on Evolutionary Computation, 3-4 April 1995
Secure Remote Management
S.N. Bhatti , G. Knight , D. Gurle (CNET) , P. Rodier (CNET)RN/95/5
January 1995
Pages: 14
Abstract: Abstract: can not apply the mechanisms they describe due to restrictions in our
Submission Status: to be presented at IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (ISINM) '95, 1-5 May 1995, Santa Barbara, CA
Alarms: Heuristics for the Control of Reasoning Attention
T.J. Norman , D.P. LongRN/95/6
January 1995
Book: Proc. of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
City: Mahwah, New Jersey
Ed: Johanna D. Moore Jill Fain Lehmen
Issuer: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Keywords: Goals, planning, attention
Pages: 6
pages count: 494-499
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: to be presented at IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (ISINM) '95, 1-5 May 1995, Santa Barbara, CA
A. Balou
February 1995
Submission Status: to be presented at IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (ISINM) '95, 1-5 May 1995, Santa Barbara, CA
Exploiting geographic Spread (GS) for Wide-area Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Dynamic Multipoint Routing
J. Kadirire , G. KnightRN/95/8
February 1995
Book: Proc. IEE Fifth Conference on Telecommunications, 26-29 March 1995, Brighton, UK
City: London
Issuer: IEE
Pages: 6
pages count: 262-267
Submission Status: to be presented at IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (ISINM) '95, 1-5 May 1995, Santa Barbara, CA
Reliable Audio for Use over the Internet
V. Hardman , A. Sasse , M. Handley , A. WatsonRN/95/9
February 1994
Keywords: Application Technology/Multimedia Technologies and Applications
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to INET95, Hawaii 1995
The Future for Object Technology and Object-oriented Programming
R. WinderRN/95/10
February 1995
Pages: 7
Submission Status: invited talk at EPSRC workshop on Object Technology 30-31 March 1995
Software Engineering as a Kuhnian Discipline
P. Wernick , R. WinderRN/95/11
February 1995
Pages: 10
Submission Status: accepted for publication of collected work
ReLaTe: Remote Language Teaching over SuperJANET
J. Buckett , I. Campbell , T. Watson , M.A. Sasse , V. Hardman , A. WatsonRN/95/12
February 1995
Book: Proc. Networkshop 23, March 28-30 1995, University of Leicester
City: Didcot, Oxfordshire
Issuer: UKERNA/JNT Association
Pages: 5
pages count: 209-213
Submission Status: accepted for publication of collected work
Multimedia Conferencing Over The Internet: The MICE project and tools
M.A. Sasse , R. BennettRN/95/13
March 1995
Book: Proc. Networkshop 23, March 28-30 1995, University of Leicester
City: Didcot, Oxfordshire
Issuer: UKERNA/JNT Association
Pages: 11
pages count: 189-199
Abstract: Abstract: to enable interworking between European researchers, and with their colleagues in
Submission Status: accepted for publication of collected work
Multimedia Conferencing over the Internet - The MICE Project
M.A. Sasse , R. BennettRN/95/14
March 1995
City: London
Issuer: Library Information Technology Centre
Journal: Library \& Information Briefings
Pages: 16
pages count: 1-15
Vol: 58
Abstract: Abstract: SuperJANET can be used to transmit voice and video in real time, making
Submission Status: accepted for publication of collected work
Multimedia Conferencing over the Internet - The MICE Project
Submission Status: accepted for publication of collected work
Painless Parallel Programming
C. ClackRN/95/15
March 1995
pages count: 41-43
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
The World Wide Web - How Servers Work
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
The World Wide Web - How Servers Work
Mark Handley , Jon CrowcroftRN/95/16
March 1995
Journal: Connexions magazine
Volume: 2
pages count: 12-24
Vol: 9
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
The World Wide Web
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
The World Wide Web
Jon Crowcroft , Mark HandleyRN/95/17
March 1995
Journal: Omnicom Newsletter
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
Normalisation of Incomplete Relational Databases
M. Levene , G. LoizouRN/95/18
March 1995
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
The Use of Plain Text Keys for Multimedia Conferences
M. HandleyRN/95/19
March 1995
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
Multi Service Management in a Multi-provider Environment
D. Lewis , T. TiropanisRN/95/20
March 1995
Book: Proc. Fifth IEE Conference on `Telecommunications', 26-29 March 1995, Brighton, UK
City: London
Government Order Number: 0852966342
Issuer: IEE
Keywords: teleservice provider, service provider, customer, actor, role, TMN
Pages: 5
pages count: 292-296
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: Proceedings PPECC Workshop 95, 14-15 March 1995, Abingdon, Oxon
Learning and Adaptivity: Enhancing Reactive Behaviour Architectures
M. PebodyRN/95/21
March 1995
Issuer: Springer Verlag
Pages: 12
Abstract: Abstract: built into robot systems from the lowest levels is identified. An robustness as well as a simplification of the design process. An
Submission Status: to appear in proceedings for: ECAL-95: 3rd European Conference on Artificial Life, Granada Spain, June 4 - 6 1995
Some Business Users of the Internet
C.D. ClackRN/95/22
March 1995
Book: Proc. `The Internet, EDI & Email for Electonic Commerce', Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 29-30 March 1995
City: London
Issuer: PC User Group
pages count: 5-6
Submission Status: to appear in proceedings for: ECAL-95: 3rd European Conference on Artificial Life, Granada Spain, June 4 - 6 1995
The Shape of Space
J. Kingdon , L. DekkerRN/95/23
April 1995
Pages: 6
Abstract: Abstract: various parameter constraints. This paper discusses "the shape of
Submission Status: to be published in IEE/IEEE International Conference `Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications - GALESIA', Sheffield, September 1995
Alarms: An Implementation of Motivated Agency
T.J. Norman , D. LongRN/95/24
April 1995
Book: Intelligent Agents II: Proc. of the IJCAI-95 Workshop on Agent
City: Berlin
Ed: M.J. Wooldridge J.P. Muller M. Tambe
Issuer: Springer-Verlag
Pages: 13
pages count:
Submission Status: to be published in IEE/IEEE International Conference `Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications - GALESIA', Sheffield, September 1995
A. Sasse ,
April 1995
Submission Status: to be published in IEE/IEEE International Conference `Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications - GALESIA', Sheffield, September 1995
Secure Document Interchange - A Secure User Agent
Yoshiki Sameshima , Peter KirsteinRN/95/26
April 1995
Book: Proc. JENC6, 6th Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, 15-18 May 1995
City: Amsterdam
Ed: J. Barbera J. Kiers
Issuer: TERENA
Journal: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
Pages: 11
pages count: to~appear
Submission Status: to be published in IEE/IEEE International Conference `Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications - GALESIA', Sheffield, September 1995
X.500 Index DSAs and Scaling Issues for an Indexed White Pages Directory Service
Paul BarkerRN/95/27
April 1995
Book: Proc. JENC6, 6th Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 15-18 1995
City: Amsterdam
Ed: J. Barbera J. Kiers
Issuer: TERENA
Pages: 10
pages count: 421/1-10
Submission Status: also to be published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 1995
X.500 Index DSAs and Scaling Issues for an Indexed White Pages Directory Service
P.T. Kirstein , Action at a DistanceRN/95/28
April 1995
Book: IEE Electronics Division Colloquium on `Extending the LAN - High Speed Data Services, Savoy Place, London, April 24th 1995
City: London
Issuer: IEE
Pages: 4
pages count: 6/1-6/4
Submission Status: also to be published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 1995
Pareto, Population Partitioning, Price and Genetic Programming
Submission Status: also to be published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 1995
Pareto, Population Partitioning, Price and Genetic Programming
W.B. LangdonRN/95/29
May 1995
Keywords: Genetic Programming, demes, Multi-objective
Pages: 12
Submission Status: also to be published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 1995
A Comparison Study of Congestion Control for ABR Service in ATM Networks
Submission Status: also to be published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 1995
A Comparison Study of Congestion Control for ABR Service in ATM Networks
Qin Li , Zheng WangRN/95/30
May 1995
Ed: Demetres Kouvatsos
Issuer: Bradford University, UK
pages count: 7/1-7/10
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: Proc. IFIP 3rd Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM
Factors Influencing the Capability of Lava to Erode it's Substrate: Application to Venus.
D. B. Bussey , S-A. Sorensen , J. E. GuestRN/95/31
June 1995
Journal: in press Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)
Keywords: thermal erosion, venus, sinuous rilles
Submission Status: Proc. IFIP 3rd Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM
The C-ODA Project - Experiences and Tools
P.T. Kirstein , G. Montasser-KohsariRN/95/32
June 1995
Submission Status: accepted by the Computer Journal 1995
Experiences with On-Line Access to Chemical Journals
P.T. Kirstein , G. Montasser-KohsariRN/95/33
June 1995
Submission Status: to be published in INET95, July 1995
A User's View of the EU Research Programmes
P.T. KirsteinRN/95/34
June 1995
Book: Proc. JENC6 - 6th Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 15-18 1995
City: Amsterdam
Ed: J. Barbera J. Kiers
Issuer: TERENA
pages count: 531/1-9
Submission Status: to be published in INET95, July 1995
Some Experiences with Secure Management
G. Knight , S. BhattiRN/95/35
June 1995
Book: Proc. JENC6 - 6th Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 15-18 1995
City: Amsterdam
Ed: J. Barbera J. Kiers
Issuer: TERENA
Keywords: security, systems management, network management
pages count: 322/1-9
Submission Status: to be published in INET95, July 1995
Recent Activities in the MICE Conferencing Project
P.T. Kirstein , M. Handley , A. Sasse , S. ClaymanRN/95/36
June 1995
Pages: 10
Submission Status: To be presented at INET'95, Hawaii, July 1995
The Conference Control Channel Protocol (CCCP): A Scalable base for building Conference Control Applications
M. Handley , I. Wakeman , J. CrowcroftRN/95/37
June 1995
Pages: 13
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: To be presented at INET'95, Hawaii, July 1995
A Data and Telecommunications Gateway between the Internet and ISDN
G. Knight , S.N. BhattiRN/95/38
June 1995
Keywords: Internet, ISDN, Multi-media, Gateway
Pages: 10
Abstract: Abstract: the work is to provide a gateway that allows access to global Internet
Submission Status: INET 95 Conference, Hawaii, June 1995
A Novel Algorithm for Matching Conceptual and Related Graphs
J. Poole , J.A. CampbellRN/95/39
June 1995
Abstract: Abstract: shared information, and there is discussion of how this would
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures 1995, August 14-18, Santa Cruz, CA
Multicast-Specific Security Threats and Counter Measures
A.J. BallardieRN/95/40
June 1995
Book: Proceedings of Internet Society Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security, February 16-17 1995, San Diego, CA
City: Los Alamitos, CA
Issuer: IEEE Computer Society Press
pages count: 2-16
Abstract: Abstract: date. We believe that wide-area multicast communication is at a substantially effective group access control, and from the fact that multicast
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures 1995, August 14-18, Santa Cruz, CA
End-to-end Multimedia Services using the Telecommunication Management Network
D. LewisRN/95/41
June 1995
Pages: 3
Submission Status: accepted to the Poster session of the Broadband Islands '95
Experiences in Multi-domain Managenment Service Development
D. Lewis , A. Tiropanis , L.H. Bjerring , J. HallRN/95/42
June 1995
Pages: 11
Submission Status: accepted for the IS&N Conference '95 in Crete, October 1995
VLSI Demonstrator for a Short Signed Digit Coefficient Wave Digital Filter
S. Summerfield , T. WicksRN/95/43
June 1995
Pages: 4
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Statistical Basis for the Determination of Optical Pathlengths in Tissue
S.R. Arridge , M. Hiraoka , M. SchweigerRN/95/44
June 1995
Journal: Physics in Medicine and Biology
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Sensitivity to Prior Knowledge in Optical Tomographic reconstruction
S.R. Arridge , M. SchweigerRN/95/45
June 1995
Book: SPIE
Ed: R. Alfano B. Chance
pages count: in~press
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Modelling of Noise for Near-infrared Transillumination Imaging
S.R. Arridge , M. Hiraoka , M. SchweigerRN/95/46
June 1995
Book: SPIE
Ed: R. Alfano B. Chance
pages count: in~press
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Near-infrared Imaging: Photon Measurement Density Functions
M. Schweiger , S.R. ArridgeRN/95/47
June 1995
Book: SPIE
Ed: R. Alfano B. Chance
pages count: in~press
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
The Finite Element Method for the Propagation of LLight in Scattering Media
M. Schweiger , S.R. Arridge , M. Hiraoka , D.T. DelpyRN/95/48
June 1995
Journal: Medical Physics
pages count: in~press
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Reconstruction in Optical Tomography using MRI Based Prior Knowledge
S.R. Arridge , M. SchweigerRN/95/49
June 1995
Book: Information Processing in Medical Imaging'95
City: Berlin
Ed: Y.Bizais C. Barillot R. di Paola
Issuer: Springer-Verlag
pages count: in~press
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Fractal Feature Analysis and Classification of MS Lesions
J. Schnabel , L. Wang , D. Rueckert , S.R. ArridgeRN/95/50
June 1995
Book: Computer Assisted Radiology'95
City: Berlin
Ed: H. Lemke
Issuer: Springer-Verlag
pages count: in~press
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Neural Nets and Financial Applications
K. Feldman , J. KingdonRN/95/51
June 1995
Journal: Journal of Applied and Mathematical Finance
Volume: 2
pages count: in~press
Vol: 1
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Genetic Algorithms and some Applications to Finance
J. Kingdon , K. FeldmanRN/95/52
June 1995
Journal: Journal of Applied and Mathematical Finance
Volume: 3
pages count: to~appear
Vol: 1
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Intelligent Techniques Applied in Finance
J. Kingdon , K. FeldmanRN/95/53
Book: Artificial Intelligence in Banking: A Comparative Examination of Evolutionary Trends and Operational Experiences
City: Milan
Ed: C. Nottola C. Rossignoli
Issuer: FrancoAngeli
pages count: 287-317
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
Developing a Reflective Model of Collaborative Systems
P. DourishRN/95/54
June 1995
Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
Volume: 1
pages count: 40-63
Vol: 2
Submission Status: paper submitted to European Solid State Circuits Conference (Lille, France
The Parting of the Ways: Divergence, Data Management and Collaborative Work
P. DourishRN/95/55
June 1995
Submission Status: to appear in Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work,
Introducing Active Managed Objects for Effective and Autonomous Management in the TMN Framework
A. Vassila , G. GnightRN/95/56
June 1995
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
Maintaining Consistency of Imprecise Relations
M. LeveneRN/95/57
June 1995
Journal: The Computer Journal
Keywords: imprecise relations, functional dependencies, consistency, chase procedure,
Volume: 2
Pages: 14
pages count: 114-123
Vol: 39
Abstract: Abstract: imprecise relation. The problem we tackle is the following:
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
Maintaining Consistency of Imprecise Relations
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
Maintaining Consistency of Imprecise Relations
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
A Lattice View of Functional Dependencies in Incomplete Relations
M. Levene , set of FDs is monodependent if it satisfies bothRN/95/58
July 1995
Keywords: incomplete relations, null values, functional dependencies,
Pages: 20
Abstract: Abstract: a set of functional dependencies (FDs), F, with the individual satisfaction of FDs is monodependent. Thus monodependence of a set of FDs is a desirable
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
A Lattice View of Functional Dependencies in Incomplete Relations
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
A Probabilistic Approach to Navigation in Hypertext
M. Levene , G. LoizouRN/95/59
July 1995
Keywords: Hypertext database, navigation problem, probabilistic automata,
Pages: 17
Abstract: Abstract: pages of information. The notion of a trail, which is a path in
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
A Probabilistic Approach to Navigation in Hypertext
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
A Probabilistic Approach to Navigation in Hypertext
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
Bandwidth-Delay Based Routing Algorithms
Z. Wang , J. CrowcroftRN/95/60
July 1995
Book: Proc. IEEE GlobeCom'95, 13-17 November 1995, Singapore
City: Los Alamitos, CA
Issuer: IEEE
pages count: 2129-2133
Abstract: Abstract: path computation are examined and the rationales behind the
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
LCMIP: a Lightweight Protocol Architecture for Data and Telecommunication Network Management and Control
G. PavlouRN/95/61
July 1995
Submission Status: to be presented at 3rd International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 16-20, 1995
Application of A Pulse-Based Reinforcement Algorithm for Learning Continuous Functions using pRAMs : The Sunspot Prediction Problem
D. Gorse , D.A. Romano-CritchleyRN/95/62
July 1995
Keywords: reinforcement learning, hardware realisable, pRAMs, time-series prediction
Pages: 6
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: accepted by ICANN '95 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 1995, Paris
The New ERA in Supervised Learning
D. Gorse , A.J. Shepherd , J.G. TaylorRN/95/63
July 1995
Keywords: supervised learning, local minima, global optimisation, homotopy
Pages: 26
Abstract: Abstract: sub-optimal solutions. A new classical technique is presented which by almost every case.
Submission Status: Neural Networks journal
A Pulse-Based Reinforcement Algorithm for Learning Continuous Functions
D. Gorse , D. A Romano-Critchley , J. G TaylorRN/95/64
July 1995
Keywords: pRAMs, continuous-output reinforcement, pulse-coding, stochastic computing
Pages: 32
Abstract: Abstract: a neural network using spike-based reinforcement learning. Both the
Submission Status: Neurocomputing journal
A Rough Comparison of the IETF and ATM Service Models
J. Crowcroft , Z. Wang , A. Smith , J. AdamsRN/95/65
July 1995
Journal: IEEE Networks
Volume: 6
Pages: 10
pages count: 12-16
Vol: 9
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: Neurocomputing journal
UCL Experiences with High-Speed Pilots
J. Crowcroft , M. Handley , A. Hutton , N. Ismail , P. Kirstein , D. Lewis , P. SuRN/95/67
July 1995
Book: Broadband Islands '95 - Global Broadband and Beyond, Proc. of the Fourth International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 September 1995
City: Dublin
Ed: F. Williams H. Brake J. Nolan
Issuer: Vesticom
Keywords: ATM, UCL, high-speed pilots
Pages: 14
pages count: 77-90
Abstract: Abstract: using various networks for particular projects. University College London
Submission Status: Neurocomputing journal
The Dys-Functional Student
Submission Status: Neurocomputing journal
The Dys-Functional Student
Chris Clack , Colin MyersRN/95/68
July 1995
Submission Status: submitted to Functional Programming Languages in Education 1995
Dynamic Cyclic Data Structures in Lazy Functional Languages
Submission Status: submitted to Functional Programming Languages in Education 1995
Dynamic Cyclic Data Structures in Lazy Functional Languages
Chris Clack , Stuart Clayman , David ParrottRN/95/69
August 1995
Submission Status: submitted to: SIGPLAN Notices
Data Structures and Genetic Programming
Submission Status: submitted to: SIGPLAN Notices
Data Structures and Genetic Programming
W. LangdonRN/95/70
August 1995
Keywords: Genetic Programming, Genetic Algorithms, list,
Pages: 20
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
Data Structures and Genetic Programming
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
Data Structures and Genetic Programming
model for maintaining evolved code isRN/95/70
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
Directed Crossover within Genetic Programming
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
Directed Crossover within Genetic Programming
W.B. LangdonRN/95/71
August 1995
Keywords: Genetic Programming, Genetic Algorithms,
Pages: 4
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
Directed Crossover within Genetic Programming
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
UC++: Parallel and Distributed Programming with C++
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
UC++: Parallel and Distributed Programming with C++
R. Winder , G. Roberts , A. McEwan , J. Poole , P. DzwigRN/95/72
September 1995
Book: Parallel Processing using C++
City: Cambridge, MA
Ed: G. Wilson
Issuer: MIT Press
Pages: 34
pages count: to~appear
Submission Status: Advances in Genetic Programming 2
An Inter-domain Virtual Private Network Management Service
D. Lewis , L. Bjerring , I. ThorarensenRN/95/73
September 1995
Pages: 12
Submission Status: submitted to IEEE/IFIP 1996
Learning Real-Valued Univariate Time Series : An Application of
D. Gorse , D.A. Romano-Critchley , D. Gorse , D.A. Romano-CritchleyRN/95/75
August 1995
Keywords: real-to-binary mappings, binary-output reinforcement rule, probabilistic RAMs Reinforcement learning, probabilistic RAMs,time-series prediction
Pages: 6
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: Weightless Neural-Network Workshop 95
pulse-based reinforcement algorithm for learning continuous
Learning Real-Valued Univariate Time Series : An Application of
pulse-based reinforcement algorithm for learning continuousRN/95/75
Submission Status: Weightless Neural-Network Workshop 95
Learning Real-Valued Univariate Time Series : An Application of
Submission Status: Weightless Neural-Network Workshop 95
Genetic Programming -- Computers using "Natural Selection" to generate programs
W.B. Langdon , A. QureshiRN/95/76
October 1995
Keywords: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, Automatic Programming, Machine Learning
Pages: 45
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to IEEE Computer
The Expressive Power of the Relational Algebra with Linearly Ordered
M. Levene , W. NgRN/95/77
October 1995
Submission Status: submitted to IEEE Computer
Towards an Anthropological Approach to Agent Adaptation
R.H. Bordini , J.A. CampbellRN/95/78
October 1995
Keywords: agent migration, anthropologically-based adaptation, MAS interoperability
Pages: 10
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: to be published at International Workshop on Decentralized Intelligent and
Anthropologically-Based Migration: a New Approach to Interoperability
R.H. Bordini , J.A. CampbellRN/95/79
October 19954
Keywords: agent migration, anthropologically-based adaptation, MAS interoperability, believability
Submission Status: to be published at International Workshop on Decentralized Intelligent and
Anthropologically-Based Migration: a New Approach to Interoperability
Mark Levene , George LoizouRN/95/80
Submission Status: to be published at International Workshop on Decentralized Intelligent and
Interaction of Functional and Noncircular Inclusion Dependencies
Interaction of Functional and Noncircular Inclusion Dependencies
given set of FDs interact with a given set of a set of INDs ifRN/95/80
October 1995
Keywords: relation, database, logical implication,
Pages: 7
Abstract: Abstract: the given the set of INDs.
Submission Status: to be published at International Workshop on Decentralized Intelligent and
A Hybrid System for Decision-making about Assets in English Divorce Cases
K. Pal , J. Campbell , hybrid knowledge-base (combining rule-based and case-based material) system , multi-layed representation is used for the case material. In responding toRN/95/81
October 1995
City: Berlin
Ed: J. Carbonell
Issuer: Springer-Verlag
pages count: to~appear
Series: LNCS
Abstract: Abstract: significant because on their own neither rules nor past cases are
Submission Status: to be published at International Workshop on Decentralized Intelligent and
Quality of Service Routing for Supporting Multimedia Applications
Z. Wang , J. CrowcroftRN/95/82
November 1995
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications
Tcl-MCMIS: Interpreted Management Access Facilities
T. Tin , G. Pavlou , R. ShiRN/95/83
November 1995
Book: Proc. IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations
pages count: none, no publisher or place of publication
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications
Assessing the Usability and Effectiveness of a Remote Language Teaching
A.Watson , A.SasseRN/95/84
November 1995
Keywords: multimedia conferencing, language teaching, evaluation
Pages: 6
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to ED-MEDIA '96, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and
Intelligent Systems for GIS
R. Singh , P. TreleavenRN/95/85
November 1995
Book: Proc. GISRUK'95 - Geographical Information Systems Research Conference,
City: Newcastle, UK
Issuer: University of Newcastle
Pages: 4 extended abstract (full paper12-13)
pages count: 107-111
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: submitted to ED-MEDIA '96, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and
Supporting Multimedia Conferencing in Europe:The MICE National Support Centres
N. Chatterjee , J.A. CampbellRN/95/86
November 1995
Pages: 8
Abstract: Abstract: a step-by-step case-interpolation algorithm which considers the details past cases in comparison with a current problem (and vice versa) to various parameters associated with each action. The method finally
Submission Status: submitted to AI-96, Toronto, Canada 21-24 May 1996
Supporting Multimedia Conferencing in Europe:The MICE National Support Centres
Martina Angela Sasse , Roy BennettRN/95/87
Pages: 7
Abstract: Abstract: a European network of National Support a range of public-domain multimedia
Submission Status: submitted to JENC7
Supporting Multimedia Conferencing in Europe:The MICE National Support Centres
Submission Status: submitted to JENC7
Using a Neural Network to Learn General Knowledge in a Case-based System
E. Reategui , J.A. Campbell , S. BorghettiRN/95/88
November 1995
Book: Case-Based Reasoning: Research and Development. First International Conference, ICCBR-95. Sesimbra, Portugal
City: Springer Verlag Berlin
Ed: M. Veloso A. Aamodt
Pages: 9
pages count: 528-537
Series: LNCS 1010
Submission Status: submitted to JENC7
Client-Server Approaches to Model Integration within GIS
R. Sandhu , P. TreleavenRN/95/89
December 1995
Submission Status: to be presented Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating
Supporting Multimedia Conferencing over the UK Mbone : MICE National Support Centres
M.A. Sasse , R. BennettRN/95/90
December 1995
Abstract: Abstract:
Submission Status: to appear in: Network News
Supporting Multimedia Conferencing over the UK Mbone : MICE National Support Centres
Submission Status: to appear in: Network News
Specification for the Distributed Framework
Sukhdev Khebbal , Philip TreleavenRN/95/91
December 1995
Submission Status: to appear in: Network News