Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the

RENOIR Research Coordination Committee,

Friday, 6th December, 1996

at City University, London



These minutes record the principal issues discussed and actions agreed, gathering points made under the various agenda headings.

1.      'Road map' for Requirements Engineering in Europe

 It was agreed that completion of a 'road map' for requirements  engineering in Europe should be an important long term objective of the  network, defining the field, establishing it as a priority area and  offering a shared vision. It would have to be both analytically based  (indicating problems demanding research) and task oriented (based on the  needs and perceptions of industry). It would be published on the web, as  a booklet and possibly as a CD.

To initiate production of the 'road map', each coordinator should  consult all those interested in his or her area, taking as a starting point  the goals, tasks and "hot" questions given in the Network Programme and  provide feedback to AF about the area itself and about its  interralationships with other areas.

2.      Input to Framework 5

Initial feedback from area coordinators about the 'road map' will provide AF with the basis for a submission to the CEC about Framework 5.

AF will check deadlines and tell coordinators when they need to reply.

3.      Open days

Effective exchange of techniques and tools between members would be  very valuable, but requires well prepared sessions with limited numbers of  participants. The committee thinks that this exchange should be led by  demand. It will promote the idea of the 'open day', a co-ordinated visit to a  RENOIR node, by a number of participants from other RENOIR nodes

SM will contact all nodes asking where their members would like to attend 'open days'. He will coordinate responses and contact possible  hosts. In this context it is important to communicate widely. For this  reason it would be useful to have a wider mailing list including everyone  within each member institutions who might be interested in RENOIR activities (Action by Coordination Team at City).

 It is important to establish contact with those holding 'radical' views, even if we do not plan immediate 'radicals workshops'.

4.      Local coordination

The network needs to address coordination at the local and regional levels. AF will report to the Executive Board on the general issues and about a possible 'roadshow' to visit national events.

5.      'Examples base'

Establishment of an 'examples base' may prove more worthwhile than  another committee acting as an 'exemplars circle'. Setting up some form of store would, however, beg an number of fundamental questions about the  nature and use of examples. AF and KR will consider the possibilities, including  the establishment of a specific post, circulate adraft to this committee and  then make a proposal to the Executive Board.

6.      Telecoms workshop

Ascertaining the specific needs of industry should be a priority objective, perhaps best achieved by concentrating on the demands within a particular sector or group, for example telecoms or instrument making.
After discussing various options for domain-centred events, the  committee accepted the offer from LW to lead the search for one or two telecoms companies. Their representatives would have to be willing to open  a workshop with presentations about all aspects of requirements within  their organisations. Appropriate academics might then talk about particular issues raised. Such a workshop will demand careful preparation taking some time; an event at the end of '97 is the initial objective.

Everyone should try to identify suitable firms and contact LW with suggestions.

It was agreed that there would be no action for the present on a practice workshop.

7.      Research oriented web site

PC reported the offer from Milano to establish a research oriented branch of the RENOIR web site. The proposed 'road map' could, once an early version is ready, provide a front-end or structure for defining the field via research projects, conferences, journals etc. The existing calendar at the web site could be expanded to include related events such as CAISE and FME (list of events mentioned attached).

RENOIR would be keen to support multinational doctoral commitees of RE researchers.

8.      Next meeting - Thursday 10th April at City


Last up-date: 30 July 1998