Universidade do Minho

Institute Name: Universidade do Minho, Dept. of Informatics


The University of Minho was founded in 1973 and started its academic activities in 1975/76. Most of the teaching and scientific activities are carried out in two sites: the campus of Gualtar, in Braga, with about 8,800 students, and the campus of Azurém, in Guimarães, with about 3500 students. The postgraduate population is currently above 800. Most of the technological courses are offered in Guimarães. Science, economics, education, management and arts courses are predominantly located in Braga.The University has 31 departments and 11 research centres. The departments are integrated in seven schools: Engineering, Sciences, Economics and Management, Arts and Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, and Teacher's Training. In the past few years, the number of undergraduate students has grown at a rate of about 15% per year. A student population approaching 15,000 is planned for the academic year 1998/99. Such growth rate, unusual  in Portuguese universities, will make the University of Minho one of the biggest Portuguese universities before the end of the

The School of Engineering, with approximately 280 members of staff and 3500 students, is in a period of rapid expansion of its infrastructures, and aims at systematically improving its scientific and teaching standards. In order to achieve this objective, its 8 departments are fully responsible for their specific scientific areas, namely for the running of undergraduate and postgraduate courses and a variety of research projects. They also cooperate in industrial development programmes. The School has 7 research centres in the areas of: Information Technologies and Telecommunications; Textile Science and Technology; Civil Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Polymer Engineering; Biological Engineering; Production and Energy Technologies; Materials; and Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry.

The Department of Informatics (DI) is one of the departments that is involved in the Information Technologies and Telecommunications research centre. The DI is involved in three undergraduate degrees (systems engineering and informatics; mathematics and computer science; and business informatics), a M.Sc. in informatics and hosts several Ph.D. students. The DI has 75 members of staff organised in research groups that cover areas such as: computer science foundations, operating systems, artificial intelligence, computer communications, computer engineering, software engineering, information systems, teaching and informatics. Requirements engineering is a research issue for more than one of these groups, specially for the information systems and software engineering groups. Research projects are financed by national (e.g., JNICT, PRAXIS) and international programmes (e.g., ESPRIT) and often involve researchers from other institutions (in Portugal and abroad).
University of Minho is also a partner of several interface institutions that facilitate the establishment of contacts with local  and  national companies in order to carry out collaborative research and consultancy. The DI is very much involved with one of these institutions - IditeMinho. Through IdeiteMinho's "centre for the development of information systems" the DI has the opportunity to conduct action research projects in the area of information systems planning and information systems development.

Researchers associated with the project:

Prof. Joao Alvaro Carvalho

Brief CVs of Key Researchers:

Name: Prof. Joao Alvaro Carvalho

Nationality: Portuguese.

Academic Qualifications & Experience: Prof. Carvalho received his PhD from the Information System Dept. of UMIST, Manchester, UK in 1991. Since 1992 he is assistant professor at Universidade do Minho. He teaches Informations Systems; Project  supervisor for final (5th) year undergraduate students; Dissertation supervisor for Master level student and PhD students.

Prof. Carvalho's research interests include the use of IT in organisations; information systems development, information
systems modelling, requirements engineering; method engineering; computer supported cooperative work

Selected Publications:

Carvalho, João A. e Luis Amaral, Organisational Knowledge and its Manipulation as the Basis for the Study of Information Technology Applications in Organisations,  ECIS'96 - 4th European Conference on Information Systems, Lisboa 1996.

Chaves, António e João A. Carvalho, Expressiveness and Legibility in Conceptual Modelling: A Comparison of Three Techniques in Siau, K. e Y. Wand, Proceedings of the workshop "EMMSAD'96 - Evaluation of Modeling
Methods in Systems Analysis and Design", Heraklion, Grécia, 20 e 21 de Maio de 1996 no âmbito da conferência "CAiSE'96 - 8th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering".

Santos, Isabel e João A. Carvalho, An Assessment of the Applicability of OOA to the Development of Information Systems, Proceedings of the ICRE'96 - International Conference on Requirements Engineering (Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, April 1996), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.

Carvalho, João A. e Luis Amaral, Using an Explicit System of Concepts for Information Systems Modelling: COMOD, in Zupancic, J. e S. Wryzca (eds.), Proccedings of the 4th Intenational Conference Information Systems Development- ISD'94: Methods & Tools, Theory & Practice, Bled, Eslovénia, 20 a 22 de Setembro de 1994, 93-103.

Contact Details:

Principal Investigator: Prof. Joao Calvaro

Address: University of Minho, School of Engineering, Department of Informatics, Campus of Azurem, 4800 Guimaraes, Portugal

Telephone number: +351 53 510258/9

Telefax number: +351 53 510250

EMail: jac@ci.uminho.pt

List of Members

Last up-date: 30 July 1998