Copenhagen Business School

Institute Name: Copenhagen Business School, Department of Informatics and Management Accounting

Description: The Department of Informatics and Management Accounting at Copenhagen Business School has 22 members of permanent academic staff. The areas being researched in the department include:

(1) Computer science: Systems development methodology, CASE tools, distributed database systems, human-computer interaction, distributed object-oriented operating systems, embedded software, development of software products;

(2) Information systems: Applying information technology in novel ways in industry and society, e.g. for Business Process Reengineering; and,

(3) Management accounting: Production and use of information for management purposes.

The department draws on expertice in other departments(e.g. organisational theories and marketing/product development research). Within computer science, the attitude is to combine research with real problems and methods found in industry. It is believed that the lack of transfer of research results to industry is due to two factors: (1) researchers concentrate on small fields and ignore the complex situations in real-life software development and, (2) researchers know very little about what happens in industry. Consequently, the real-life problems and methods serve as starting points for the development of techniques and methods improving the situation.

Researchers associated with the project:

Prof. Soren Lauesen Assoc. Prof. Jan Pries-Heje

Brief CVs of Key Researchers:

Name: Prof. Soren Lauesen

Nationality: Danish

Academic Qualifications & Experience: Soren Lauesen holds a MSc in Mathematics & Physics(University of Copenhagen, 1965) and a B.Com.Degree in Business and Financial Accounting(Copenhagen Business School,1979).

Since 1985, he has been a professor at the Copenhagen Business School, establishing the combined education in business and computer science. Prior to his current posistion, he was department manager at Regnecentralen(Danish computer manufacturer, 1962-73), part-time associate professor at University of Copenhagen(1969-72), member of the team that established the software development department at Brown Boveri, Copenhagen - now ABB - (1973-76), management consultant for ILO in Ghana,Africa(1974-75), visiting professor at University of Copenhagen(1976-79) and member of the team established the software development center at NCR1979-85).

His main areas of research interest include: human-computer interaction, requirements specification,object-oriented design, quality assurance, systems development as well as marketing and product development.

Selected Publications:

Soren Lauesen, Erik Reeh Nielsen, and Vilhelm Rosenqvist.(1984): An expandable Object-based UNIX Kernel. USENIX Conference, Salt Lake City, June 1984.

Soren Lauesen.(1988): Better user manuals. Proceedings of NordData 88, Vol.1, pp 77-82

Soren Lauesen, Jan Pries-Heje, Bodil Schroder.(1993): Embedded software: Industry versus research. Proceedings of IRIS, Copenhagen, 11 pages.

Jan Pries-Heje, Soren Lauesen, Bodil Schroder.(1993): Barriers to Software Technology Transfer in the Danish Electronic Equipment Industry. Proceedings of the IFIP TC8 Working Conference, Pittsburgh, October 1993, 5 pages.

Soren Lauesen, Morten Borup Harning.(1993): Dialogue Design through Modified Dataflow and Data Modelling. In T. Grechenig and M. Tscheligi (eds): Human-Computer Interaction, VCHCI'93, Vienna, pp172-183. Springer-Verlag.

Soren Lauesen, Morten Borup Harning, and Carsten Gronning.(1994): Screen design for task efficiency and system understanding. In S. Howard and Y.K. Leung (eds.): OZCHI 94 Proceedings, pp 271-276.

Contact Details:

Principal Investigator: Prof. Soren Lauesen

Address:Department of Informatics and Management Accounting, Copenhagen Business School, 60 Howitzvej Str., Frederiksberg, DK-2000, DENMARK

Telephone number: +45 38 15 24 27

Telefax number: +45 38 15 24 01


List of Members