RENOIR Activity Report - Activity title: London tour

Activity bid by: J. L. Fiadeiro, FFCUL

Activity dates: 30/1/98 - 6/2/98

1. Visit to City University
Participants: David Till (City U), Xavier Burgues (U P Catalonia), Jose Fiadeiro (FFCUL)

This was the third in a series of meetings (previously held in Barcelona and Lisbon) on partial implementation of abstract data types. Work since the previous meeeting was reported by Xavier Burgues. Alternative models of program development were discussed and assessed. A decision was made to further explore and adapt the model proposed by Maibaum and Veloso to partial implementations.

2. Visit to Imperial College
Participants: Kevin Lano (IC), Juan Bicarregui (IC), Bashar Nuseibeh (IC), Alessandra Russo (IC), Jose Fiadeiro (FFCUL)

Discussions were held with K.Lano and J.Bicarregui on the use of the B-method for specifying requirements using the production cell as an example, and its merits relative to temporal logic calculi. Discussions were held with B. Nuseibeh and A. Russo on the applicability of Reiter's theory of diagnosis and the deontic extension developed by P. Ramos and J.Fiadeiro, for managing inconsistency in software development.

Department of Informatics
Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon
Campo Grande
1700 Lisboa

tel: 351-1-7500087 (direct line: 7500123)
fax: 351-1-7500084

Last up-date: 30 July 1998