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track - Performs streamline tractography.



track [options]



Does streamline tractography using either a determinstic or probabilistic methods. This program generates streamlines from a variety of possible input, including diffusion tensors, spherical PDFs, and raw DWI data. The data that is used to derive the tracking is referred to here as the input data, and it is passed by using the -inputfile and -inputmodel options (see OPTIONS).

The general pipeline for tracking is as follows:

  1. Generate data for input to track. Required preprocessing for tracking with 
     different data types is described in detail in the following sections. 

  2. Define the seed regions from which tracking is initiated (see SEEDING TRACTOGRAPHY).

  3. Run track with the data, your choice of tracking algorithm (see TRACKING ALGORITHMS) 
     and interpolation algorithm (see INTERPOLATION ALGORITHMS), plus other options as needed.

  4. Do post-processing of the tracts with programs such as procstreamlines(1), vtkstreamline(1), 
     or conmat(1).



If the input image has a definition of physical space (eg, it is a NIfTI image), then that will be used as the physical space for tractography.

Usually, the seed file will be a NIFTI image in the same space as the input image. Sometimes the seed image will not have the same dimensions as the input data. The seed file must be aligned to the input space, but the images need not be of the same resolution. This allows you to upsample or downsample the seed image and thereby control the density of seed points.

To avoid confusion when translating to and from physical space, we recommend using NIfTI format for all images.

Images other than the seed file, eg brain masks and anisotropy images, must be in the same voxel and physical space as the input data.



The seed file is usually a NIfTI image, passed with -seedfile. The image need not be of the same resolution as the diffusion data, but their physical coordinates must be aligned. This flexibility allows tracking to be seeded at a higher or lower density than the input data. For example, we might have diffusion tensors at 2mm resolution, but decide to seed at 1mm intervals over some ROI.

The seed file contains the regions of interest for tracking, and should be zero for background with positive integer labels for the ROIs. Streamlines are seeded at the centre of all voxels with an intensity greater than zero. Voxels that share the same intensity are considered part of the same ROI, they do not have to be contiguous.

Alternatively, a list of points may be passed with the -seedlist option. These should be points in physical space of the input data, written in the format

  <x> <y> <z>
  <x> <y> <z>
  <x> <y> <z>
     . . .
  <x> <y> <z>

They are all considered to be part of a single ROI. The seeds should be in the physical space of the input data.



The output is streamlines in the physical space of the input data.

If -outputroot is specified, streamline output is contained in a single file for each ROI. Otherwise output goes to stdout by default but can be sent to a file with the -outputfile option.

The seed points in a seed image are processed in the following order

  for (all rois r in seedImage ) {  
    for (all z) {  
      for (all y) {  
        for (all x) {

          s = seedImage(x,y,z);

          if (s == r) { 

            for (all principal directions in voxel) {
              for (all iterations i) {  
                  calculate streamline for seed (x,y,z)  
                  write streamline to output


If a list of points are supplied with the -seedlist option, they are processed in the order that they are written.

The raw streamline format is 32 bit float. For each streamline, the program outputs the number of points N in the streamline, the index of the seed point, followed by the (x,y,z) coordinates (in mm) of each point: [<N>, <seed point index>, <x_1>, <y_1>, <z_1>,...,<x_numPoints>, <y_N>, <z_N>, <N>,...,<z_N>], where the <seed point index> is the point on the streamline where tracking began.

The program procstreamlines contains tools for post-processing of streamlines.

The vtkstreamlines program converts Camino streamlines to VTK polylines.



The steps are:
  1. Fit the tensors (eg with dtfit).  
  2. Run track with input model dt or multitensor as appropriate.



The main probabilistic algorithm for DWI data is an implementation of the Bayesian method presented by Friman et al [IEEE-TMI 25:965-978, 2006]. The theory is decribed briefly below.

Run track with input model bayesdirac or bayesdirac_dt.

In each voxel, we compute the likelihood of the fibre orientation being the axis X, given the data and the model of the data. We wish to sample from

  P(X | data) = P(data | X) P(X) / P(data)

in each voxel. We first fit a model to the data, which can either be a ball-and-stick partial volume model, or a simplified diffusion tensor model (the tensor is required to have eigenvalues L1 >= L2 == L3). This yields m_i, the predicted measurement i given a principal direction X. The observed data y_i is a noisy estimate of m_i. The noise is modelled on the log data as

  ln(y_i) = ln(m_i) + epsilon

  ln(y_i) = ln(m_i) + epsilon,

where epsilon is Gaussian distributed as N(0, sigma^2 / m_i^2), where sigma^2 is the variance of the noise in the complex MR data. Therefore,

  P(data | X) = P(y_1 | m_1)P(y_2 | m_2)...P(y_N | m_N)

where there are N measurements. The prior distribution for all parameters except X is a dirac delta function, so P(data) is the integral of P(data | X) over the sphere. In the case of the diffusion tensor, for example, the priors of S(0) and the tensor eigenvalues L1, and L2 = L3 are fixed around the maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE). The function P(data | X) is then evaluated by setting the tensor principal direction to X and computing the likelihood of the observed data.

The prior on X, P(X), may be set to favor low tract curvature. With the -curvepriork option, the user may set a Watson concentration parameter k. Given a previous tract orientation T, P(X) = W(X, T, k), where k >= 0. The default is k = 0, which is a uniform distribution . Higher values of k increase the sharpness of P(X) around its peak axis T. Suggested values of k are in the range of 0 to 5. You may also use -curvepriorg to implement Friman's curvature prior. Note that a curvature prior does not directly impose a curvature threshold, which may be imposed separately.

An external prior may also be added, in the form of a PICo PDF O(X) defined for each voxel in the image. The full prior is then W(X, T, k)O(X). Pass a PICo image with - extpriorfile. See picopdfs(1) for a definition of the file format.

The Bayesian tracking algorithm uses a fixed set of vectors from which we choose the tracking direction, X. By default, the basis is a set of 1922 vectors evenly distributed on the unit hemisphere. Speed can be increased by passing the option "-pointset 0" in order to use a reduced point set of 1082 directions.



Wild bootstrapping requires a single DWI data set. A diffusion tensor model is fit to the raw data, and the residuals are resampled randomly. See Whitcher et al, [Human Brain Mapping 29(3):346-62, 2008] for more information.

  track -inputfile dwi.nii.gz -inputmodel wildbs_dt -schemefile A.scheme -bgmask \
  A_BrainMask.nii.gz -iterations 1000 -seedfile ROI.nii.gz > A_wildbs.Bfloat



PICo refers to a family of models where we fit a parametric model of the uncertainty in each voxel. These models can be derived from the a variety of sources including the diffusion tensor (as in Parker and Alexander [IPMI 2003 p 684-695]) and PAS-MRI, (see Parker and Alexander, [Trans Royal Society B. 360:893-902, 2005]).

For diffusion tensor data, Bayesian or wild bootstrap methods are preferable because they make use of all the DWI data, whereas PICo only uses the tensor eigenvalues to estimate uncertainty.

The pipeline for PAS-MRI is:

  1. Fit the PAS-MRI model, see sfpeaks(1). 
  2. Define a mapping of PAS parameters to spherical pdfs, see sflutgen(1).
  2. Map the data to PDFs in each voxel in the image, see picopdfs(1).  
  3. Run track with input model pico.



Repetition bootstrap tracking requires multiple repeats of raw DWI data and a reconstruction algorithm. The principal direction or directions in each voxel are determined independently for each bootstrap sample of the data.

Currently, diffusion tensor is the only model supported. Please see datasynth(1) for more information on the bootstrap technique.

One and two-tensor models may be fitted to the bootstrap data. The reconstruction parameters [see modelfit(1) should be passed to track along with the other parameters. For example, given 4 repeats of a scan SubjectA_[1,2,3,4].Bfloat, (in voxel order), we can track using repetition bootstrapping and DTI:

  track -inputmodel repbs_dt -bsdatafiles SubjectA_1.Bfloat SubjectA_2.Bfloat \
  SubjectA_3.Bfloat SubjectA_4.Bfloat -schemefile A.scheme -inversion 1 -bgmask \
  A_BrainMask.nii.gz -iterations 1000 -seedfile ROI.nii.gz -bsmodel dt > A_bs.Bfloat 

To use a two-tensor model, we must pass the voxel classification from voxelclassify.

  track -inputmodel repbs_multitensor -bsdatafiles SubjectA_1.Bfloat SubjectA_2.Bfloat \ 
  SubjectA_3.Bfloat SubjectA_4.Bfloat -schemefile A.scheme -model pospos ldt -voxclassmap \ 
  A_vc.Bint -iterations 1000 -seedfile ROI.nii.gz -bsmodel multitensor > A_bs.Bfloat 

The voxel classifications are fixed; they are not re-determined dynamically.

Note that you may pass either -voxclassmap or -bgmask, but not both. If you are using a voxel classification map, the brain / background mask should be passed to fBvoxelclassify. You may always restrict tracking to any volume of the brain by using the -anisfile and -anisthresh options.



Data from FSL's bedpostx can be imported into track for either probabilistic or deterministic tracking. Use the -bedpostxdir option to set the input directory containing the output of bedpostx.

For deterministic tracking, use "-inputmodel bedpostx_dyad". This will use the vector images dyads1.nii.gz, ... , dyadsN.nii.gz, where there are a maximum of N compartments in each voxel.

For probabilistic tracking, use "-inputmodel bedpostx". This will use the files merged_th1samples.nii.gz, merged_ph1samples.nii.gz, ... , merged_thNsamples.nii.gz, merged_phNsamples.nii.gz. These images contain M samples of theta and phi, the polar coordinates describing the "stick" for each compartment. At each iteration, a random number X between 1 and M is drawn and the Xth samples of theta and phi become the principal directions in the voxel.

Both deterministic and probabilistic tracking make use of the images mean_f1samples.nii.gz, N, normalized such that the sum of all compartments is 1. Compartments where the mean_f is less than a threshold are discarded and not used for tracking. The default value is 0.01. This can be changed with the -bedpostxminf option.



This section deals with the various types input to track, which are specified with the -inputmodel option. The input model controls the format of the input data, and what kind of image will be constructed from it.

The default data type is "float" for input models that require DWI data, "double" for everything else.

The available input models are:

  bayesdirac - raw DWI data for Bayesian tractography, using a ball and stick model.
  bayesdirac_dt - raw DWI data for Bayesian tractography, using a DT model.

This inputmodel is for probabilistic tracking using the Bayesian method. The input file in both cases is raw DWI data. They differ in the type of model they use for the likelihood function. See BAYESIAN PROBABILISTIC TRACKING.

  bedpostx - Monte Carlo data produced by FSL's bedpostx program. For probabilistic tracking.
  bedpostx_dyad - Dyads produced by FSL's bedpostx program. For deterministic tracking.

When bedpostx data is used, specify the directory containing the data with -bedpostxdir. The number of PDs per voxel is determined automatically from the files in this directory.

  dt - diffusion tensor data, as produced by modeltfit.

The -anisthresh option may be specified without supplying a separate anisotropy map; the fractional anisotropy of the DT is used.

  dwi_dt - DWI data, a DT model will be fit on the fly.

This can be used to track directly in DWI data without fitting the DT first. It's less efficient than using a precomputed DT, because the DT has to be reconstructed for each tracking process. However, it does allow for interpolation of the DWI data (see INTERPOLATION below) before the DT is reconstructed.

  multitensor - diffusion tensor data, as produced by multitenfit.

The maximum number of tensors in each voxel is specified by the -maxcomponents option. The number of tensors in individual voxels is encoded in the data, so no voxel classification map is required. As with single DT data, a fractional anisotropy mask can be derived from the data.

  sfpeak - principal directions, as produced by sfpeaks.

The maximum number of PDs in each voxel is specified by the -numpds option. The number of PDs in individual voxels is encoded in the data.

  pico - PICo PDFs, as produced by picopdfs.

The maximum number of PDs in each voxel is specified by the -numpds option. The number of PDs in individual voxels is encoded in the data.

  repbs_dt - raw DWI data for bootstrapping, bootstrap samples are used to fit the DT.

  repbs_multitensor - raw DWI data for bootstrapping, bootstrap samples are used to fit a 
  multi-tensor model or the DT, according to the voxel classification.

Repetition bootstrap data is passed to the program with -bsdatafiles.

  wildbs_dt - A single raw DWI image, the DT will be computed in each voxel and the data will be 
  resampled using the wild bootstrap algorithm.

Wild bootstrap data is passed on standard input or with -inputfile.



The tracking algorithm controls how we generate streamlines from the data, and is set with the -tracker option. The choices are


Similar to the FACT algorithm proposed by Mori et al [Annals Neurology 45:265-269, 1999], this method follows the local fibre orientation in each voxel. No interpolation is used.


Tracking proceeds using a fixed step size along the local fibre orientation. With nearest-neighbour interpolation, this method may be very similar to FACT, except that the step size is fixed, whereas FACT steps extend to the boundary of the next voxel (distance variable depending on the entry and exit points to the voxel).


Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The step size is fixed, however the eventual direction of the step is determined by taking and averaging a series of partial steps.

For more explanation of the tracking algorithms, see Basser et al [Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 44:625–632, 2000].

The tensor deflection (tend) algorithm may be used for deterministic tracking in tensor images (Lazar et al, Human Brain Mapping 18:306-321, 2003). This algorithm is similar to FACT except that the tracking direction in each voxel is deflected by the local diffusion tensor.



The interpolation algorithm determines how we define the fiber orientation(s) at a given continuous point within the input image. Interpolators are specified with -interpolator and are only used when the tracking algorithm is not FACT. The choices are


Nearest-neighbour interpolation, just uses the local voxel data directly.


Probabilistic nearest-neighbor interpolation, similar to the method proposed by Behrens et al [Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 50:1077-1088, 2003]. The data is not interpolated, but at each point we randomly choose one of the 8 voxels surrounding a point. The probability of choosing a particular voxel is based on how close the point is to the centre of that voxel.


Linear interpolation of the vector field containing the principal directions at each point.


Uses TEND, similar to the method proposed by Lazar et al [Human Brain Mapping 18:306-321, 2003]. The tracking step is a combination of the local tensor orientation, the previous direction, and the previous direction deflected by the local tensor (the TEND term). Works on tensor data only.

The user can control how the weighted average of the local tensor principal eigenvector e_1, the previous direction v_{in}, and the tend term D * v_{in} are constructed. Two parameters f and g control the weighting, e_1 is weighted by f, v_{in } is weighted by (1-f)(1-g) and tend is weighted by (1-f)g. By default, f = 0 and g = 1, so the resultant direction is D * v_{in}.


Like TEND, except the diffusion tensor is selected randomly from the neighbouring voxels, as the prob_nn option does for vectors. Works on tensor data only.


Interpolate the DWI data directly. Works on DWI data only.



Mask images can be used to restrict tracking to particular areas. Tracts that extend outside the masked region are terminated. Set the mask with the -anisfile and -anisthresh options. Often the mask of choice is based on thresholding the anisotropy of the diffusion tensor data (hence the names) but you may use any image that is in the same space as the diffusion image. For example, a binary mask may be used with a threshold of 1.0.

Tracking may also be terminated when the local streamline curvature exceeds some threshold. Two options control this behaviour: -curvethresh specifies the maximum curvature (in degrees) over a length (in mm) defined by -curveinterval. So "-curvethresh 45 -curveinterval 5" will check at 5mm intervals and terminate tracking if the curvature exceeds 45 degrees.

Tracking stops when the lines reach a maximum length; by default this is 1000mm.

Tracts may also be modified or discarded in post-processing, see procstreamlines(1).



The -regionindex option allows ROIs to be processed indepedently.        Therefore, if
there are four ROIs in the seed file rois.nii.gz, labeled 1 through 4,

  for roi in `seq 1 4`; do
    track -inputfile dt.Bdouble -inputmodel dt -seedfile rois.nii.gz -outputroot A_ \ 
    -regionindex $roi

The output files can be concatenated in order for post-processing with procstreamlines.



Do FACT tracking within a region of interest defined in an image subAROI.nii.gz. The ROI is defined by a collection of voxels with the intensity value 1.

  cat SubjectA.oneDT.Bdouble | track -inputmodel dt -seedfile subAROI.nii.gz -anisthresh 0.1 \ 
  -outputroot A_oneDT_ -curvethresh 60 -anisthresh 0.1

This outputs A_oneDT_1.Bfloat, containing all streamlines from the ROI. If there were a total of R separate ROIs in the seed file, there would be another output file for each ROI.

Do the same thing, but with Euler tracking

  cat SubjectA.oneDT.Bdouble | track -inputmodel dt -seedfile subAROI.nii.gz -anisthresh 0.1 \ 
  -outputroot A_oneDT_ -curvethresh 60 -anisthresh 0.1 -tracker euler -stepsize 0.5 \ 
  -interpolator linear

Use Bayesian tracking on some DWI data

  track -inputmodel bayesdirac -inputfile dwi.nii.gz -seedfile ROI.nii.gz -schemefile A.scheme \ 
  -anisfile brainmask.nii.gz -anisthresh 1.0 -iterations 1000 \
  -outputfile bayesTracts.Bfloat





-inputmodel <model>

  bayesdirac - raw DWI data for Bayesian tractography, using a ball and stick model.

  bayesdirac_dt - raw DWI data for Bayesian tractography, using a DT model.

  bedpostx - Monte Carlo data from FSL's bedpostx program.

  bedpostx_dyad - Dyads from FSL's bedpostx program.

  dt - diffusion tensor data, as produced by modeltfit.

  dwi_dt - DWI data, a DT model will be fit on the fly.

  dwi_multitensor - DWI data, a multi-tensor model will be fit on the fly.

  multitensor - diffusion tensor data, as produced by multitenfit.

  sfpeak - as produced by sfpeaks.

  pico - PICo PDFs, as produced by picopdfs.

  repbs_dt - raw DWI data for bootstrapping, bootstrap samples are used to fit the DT.

  repbs_multitensor - raw DWI data for bootstrapping, bootstrap samples are used to fit a 
  multi-tensor model or the DT, according to the voxel classification.

  wildbs_dt - A single raw DWI image, the DT will be computed in each voxel and the data will be 
  resampled using the wild bootstrap algorithm.

See LIST OF INPUT MODELS for more detail.

-inputdatatype <type>

If the input model requires raw data, the default is "float", otherwise it is "double". Most users will not need to set this, since Camino programs produce these data types by default.


-numpds <number>

The maximum number of PDs in a voxel for input models sfpeak and pico. The default is 3 for input model sfpeak and 1 for input model pico. This option determines the size of the voxels in the input file and does not affect tracking.

For tensor data, use the -maxcomponents option.

-maxcomponents <number>

The maximum number of tensor components in a voxel. This determines the size of the input file and does not say anything about the voxel classification. The default is 2 if the input model is multitensor and 1 if the input model is dt.

-header <image>
Header of an image describing the space of the input data. This overrides the image space specified by the seed file, and is only needed when the seed file is in a different voxel space than the input image.

-datadims <x> <y> <z>
The x, y, and z dimension of the data, in voxels. This overrides the image space specified by the seed file. If this is specified, an identity transform to physical space is assumed, with zero origin. It's better to use -header when possible.

-voxeldims <x> <y> <z>
The x, y, and z dimension of each voxel, in millimetres. Used with -datadims. It's better to use -header when possible.

-bgmask <Ifile> | -brainmask <Ifile>

Provides the name of a file containing a brain / background mask. This image must be of the same dimensions as the diffusion data. This is only used with certain data types (eg DWI data) that do not already contain brain / background masking information. If you want to override the brain / background information in, say, a DT file, pass the brain mask as an anisotropy file with a threshold of 1.0.

-voxclassmap <Ifile>

Voxel classification image, see voxelclassify(1). Only used for input models that fit tensor data. This overrides any brain mask, background voxels should be classified "-1" in this image.

-model <models>

Tensor reconstruction algorithm for repetition bootstrap or DWI images. See modelfit(1). The default is ldt (linear reconstruction, single tensor).

-schemefile <file>

Specifies the scheme file for the diffusion MRI data, see camino(1). Required for input models using raw DWI data.



-tracker <tracker>

One of


The default is fact. See TRACKING ALGORITHMS for more detail.


Number of streamlines to generate at each seed point.

The default is 1. For probabilistic tracking, more iterations will improve statistics but will take longer to run. For a small seed region, 1000-5000 iterations per voxel may be feasible. Global tracking (seeding in all brain voxels) will finish in a reasonable time with around 25 iterations per voxel.

-curvethresh <value>

Curvature threshold for tracking, expressed as the maximum angle (in degrees) between between two streamline orientations calculated over a user-specified interval. If the angle is greater than this, then the streamline terminates. Set to 180 to disable the curvature threshold.

The default is 90 degrees.

-ipthresh <value>

Alternate way of specifying the curvature threshold for tracking, expressed as the minimum dot product between two streamline orientations. If the dot product between the previous and current directions is less than this threshold, then the streamline terminates. Set to -1 to disable the curvature threshold.

-curveinterval <value>

Interval over which the curvature threshold should be evaluated, in mm.

The default is 5mm. When using the default curvature threshold of 90 degrees, this means that streamlines will terminate if they curve by more than 90 degrees over a path length of 5mm.

-stepsize <value>

Step size for Euler and RK4 tracking. The default is 1mm.

-interpolator <interp>

  nn - Nearest-neighbour interpolation

  prob_nn - Probabilistic nearest-neighbour interpolation

  linear- Eight-neighbour linear interpolation of the principal directions

  tend - Tensor deflection

  tend_prob_nn  - Tensor deflection with probabilistic nearest-neighbour choice of tensor

  dwi_linear - Linearly interpolate the DWI data


The default is nn.

-tendf <f | f.nii.gz>

The tend parameter f controls the weighting given to the FACT term, which is the unmodified local fiber orientation in each voxel. The default is 0.0. The maximum value is 1.0, which is identical to FACT tracking. If f is a constant, it is applied to all voxels, if it is an image, the local value of f is used in each voxel.

The default is 0.0.

-tendg <g>

The relative weighting of the tend term vs the previous direction. This must be a constant between 0 (ignore tend) and 1.0 (ignore previous direction).

The default is 1.0.

-anisthresh <value>

Terminate fibres that enter a voxel with lower anisotropy than the threshold. The fractional anisotropy can be calculated from the data if it is diffusion tensors, otherwise an image is required.

The default is 0.0.

-anisfile <file>

File containing the anisotropy map. This is required to apply an anisotropy threshold with non tensor data. If the map is supplied it is always used, even in tensor data. This allows an alternative scalar image to be used in place of fractional anisotropy.

-randomseed <seed>

An integer seed for the random number generator. The default seed is the current system time in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Repeated runs of track using probabilistic methods will use the same sequence of random numbers on all platforms if a constant seed is used.



-seedfile <file.nii.gz>

Image containing seed points. Streamlines will be seeded at the centre of all voxels with intensity greater than 0. The output is numbered according to the intensity of the seed.

-seedlist <file>

Reads a list of seed points from the text file file. The points should be defined in physical space of the input data. Each component of the point should be on one line, separated by white space, eg

  1.0 2.0 3.0 
  4.0 5.0 6.0 

The entire list of points is treated as a single ROI.



-pdf <bingham | watson | acg>

Specifies the model for PICo parameters. The default is bingham.



-pointset <index>

Index to the point set to use for Bayesian likelihood calculation. The index specifies a set of evenly distributed points on the unit sphere, where each point x defines two possible step directions (x or -x) for the streamline path. A larger number indexes a larger point set, which gives higher angular resolution at the expense of computation time. The default is index 1, which gives 1922 points, index 0 gives 1082 points, index 2 gives 3002 points.

-curvepriork <k>
Concentration parameter for the prior distribution on fibre orientations given the fibre orientation at the previous step. Larger values of k make curvature less likely. The curvature prior is Watson distributed, so P(X_i | X_{i-1}) is proportional to exp[k (X_i^T X_{i-1})^2]. The optimum value is defined heuristically, but a suggested range of values is 0 to 5. You may use either this or -curvepriorg but not both.

The default is 0, which gives a uniform prior distribution.

-curvepriorg <g>
Concentration parameter for the prior distribution on fibre orientations given the fibre orientation at the previous step. Larger values of g make curvature less likely. Given the previous tracking vector V the prior on the present step, P(X) is P(X) = K [X . V]^g for all positive values of [X. V], where K is a normalization constant. If the angle between the U and X is greater than 90 degrees, the prior is zero. A value of g=1 means that P(X | V) is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle between X and V. Using this option overrides a Watson curvature prior.

The default is 0, which gives a uniform prior distribution.

-extpriorfile <file>
Path to a PICo image produced by picopdfs. The PDF in each voxel is used as a prior for the fibre orientation in Bayesian tracking. The prior image must be in the same space as the diffusion data.

-pdf <bingham | watson | acg>
Specifies the model for PICo priors (not the curvature priors). The default is "bingham".

-extpriordatatype <type>
Datatype of the prior image. The default is "double".



-bsdatafiles <file1 file2 ... fileN>

Specifies files containing raw data for repetition bootstrapping. Use -inputfile for wild bootstrap data.



-bedpostxdir <dir>

Directory containing bedpostx output for tracking with input models bedpostx or bedpostx_dyad.

-bedpostxminf <minF>

Zeros out compartments in bedpostx data with a mean volume fraction f of less than minF. The default is 0.01.



Compress output using the gzip algorithm.

-outputroot <string>

Prepended onto all output file names. Used to segregate output by ROI. If this is not specified, all output goes to the file specified with the -outputfile option. If no output file is specified, the output goes to stdout.

-outputfile <string>

Name of the file to which all output should be written. This option is ignored if -outputroot is set.



-regionindex <index>
Only the ROI with the label index is tracked. See the section PARALLEL TRACKING.       



Philip Cook <>



modelfit(1), dtlutgen(1), picopdfs(1), countseeds(1), procstreamlines(1)




Affects input model repbs_multitensor only

When multi-fibre models are fit to DWI data, the order in which the fibre orientations are returned to the tracking process is undefined, so it's possible that when another bootstrap sample is drawn to track along the second PD, the order of the compartments will be reversed.




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