Some software installed at UCL


I am not responsible for any of the software or hardware referenced on this page, so please do not ask me any questions.

Other software at UCL

Check it out.

The scanner in G11

There is a colour scanner installed in the corner of g11. It is connected to jaguar. In order to use the scanning software you need to be logged into jaguar. The scanning program is /opt/FirstScanII/bin/firstscanii. There is also an ocr program /usr/socrates/bin/xsocrates. The documentation for the ocr program can be found on jaguar in /usr/socrates/doc/manual.txt.

For an excellent explaination of how to use the scanner .

The colour printer in G11

The colour printer is attached to thud, so yes you need to log into thud. Use /opt/NeWSprint/bin/balancetool, this is a wysiwyg interface, some people find this program core dumps when they try and use it. The other interface is lp this also needs to be run on thud. The printer is called CL, so I guess a command like

$ lp -d CL file

should do the trick, read the lp manual page, yes on thud. I am told the printer accepts sun raster and postscript files. There is a manual for the printer. If the printer is out of paper, don't ask me.

MICE bin

list of public domain and GNU software installed under /cs/research/mice/speedy/common. There is even an email list and bulletin board ucl-mice-bin, if you want to be informed of updates. To join the mailing list send mail to ucl-mice-bin-request.

floppies Solaris 2.x

The floppy drive on Solaris 2.x seems to be controlled by a Volume Management daemon (vold(1m)). Solaris 2.x can handle dos format floppies as well as oridinary UNIX style cpio/tar... images.

Once a floppy is inserted it seems necessary to notify the Volume Manager that a floppy has been inserted using volcheck(1).

If the floppy is a dos format floppy then it will be mounted as /floppy/{Volume name}, if the floppy has no label it will be mounted as /floppy/unnamed_floppy. If the floppy is dos format then all the standard *UNIX* tools such as cp(1) will work.

If the floppy is not a dos format floppy then it will appears under /vol as /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0, /vol/dev/diskette0/unlabeled, /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabeled, /vol/dsk/unnamed_floppy and /vol/rdsk/unnamed_floppy.

Use eject(1) to get the floppy back.

How to convert BinHex 4.0 files

Try /cs/research/mice/speedy/common/sun4/bin/mcvert or copy the file to ISD and run ~ucacata/bin/xbin.


Subject: Use of dvi2ps program
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 94 10:48:10 +0100
Message-ID: <>
From: Barry Stein

This will be old news for many of you, but recently it has become apparent that some people are still using the "dvi2ps" program to produce PostScript form their latex output. This program has a serious flaw in that it produces PostScript code which has a "memory leak". The result of this is that when printing a large document the printer can run out of memory, making it reboot and restart the same job. This leads to the printer producing multiple copies of the same incomplete job until somebody notices.

The good news however is that the program "dvips" is a replacement for "dvi2ps" which does not have the same problem. The slight snag is that the usage is slightly different so you may have to modify any scripts you use to process your documents, or you may just have to modify your habits if you usually call dvi2ps manually.

In particular you should note that by default dvi2ps sends the PostScript code to standard output, whereas dvips sends it straight to the printer in the basement (pscb). This can lead to you printing (and using up your hard-earned printer quota) without realising it. So be warned! You can make dvips send its PostScript to standard output by using the "filter" option -f so that you can then use an alternative printer or pipe the PostScript through another program, for example: % dvips -f file.dvi | lpr -Ppsc2 In the near future, we would like to remove dvi2ps, so please familiarise yourself with dvips if you haven't already done so. Mail me if you have any probelms.


Barry Stein, Systems Group, Ext. 3661, 7280 or 3685.

I'm told there are circumstances under which dvips does not work and dvi2ps should be used. (Atanu).

gofer emacs mode

Subject: using gofer from emacs
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 95 13:50:35 +0100
Message-ID: <>
From: Stuart Clayman

Quick instructions...

M-x run-gofer will give you an interpretter

Or just find some source,, edit it, and type \C-c \C-c, and off it goes.

;;; Use:
;;; In .emacs put
;;; (autoload 'gofer-mode "gofer" "Go into gofer mode" t)
;;; (autoload 'run-gofer "gofer" "Run gofer as inferior process" t)
;;; (autoload 'gofer-project "gofer" "Go into a gofer project" t)
;;; (set-variable 'auto-mode-alist
;;; (append '(
;;; ("\\.gs$" . gofer-mode) ;; gofer source
;;; ("\\.gp$" . gofer-project) ;; gofer project files
;;; ) auto-mode-alist))
;;; All gofer source files should end in .gs
;;; All gofer project files should end in .gp
;;; In gofer source files
;;; ESC \C-x
;;; \C-c \C-c
;;; \C-c l loads the current file
;;; \C-u ESC \C-x
;;; \C-u \C-c \C-c
;;; \C-u \C-c l loads the current file and does a cd first
;;; \C-c a adds the current file
;;; \C-u \C-c a adds the current file and does a cd first
;;; \C-c r reloads the current file
;;; In gofer project files
;;; ESC \C-x
;;; \C-c \C-c
;;; \C-c p loads the project file
;;; \C-u ESC \C-x
;;; \C-u \C-c \C-c
;;; \C-u \C-c p loads the project file and does a cd first
;;; The duplication of ESC \C-x, \C-c \C-c, and \C-c l is for
;;; historical reasons.

gofer to C

Received: from by with local SMTP
id ; Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:25:51 +0100
Subject: gofer to C translator
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 95 16:25:43 +0100
Message-ID: <>
From: Stuart Clayman

This is installed as goferc


Last modified: July 25, 1996