Atanu Ghosh

A gif of me A gif of me after going through a buggy image server A picture of me with a red nose

I now work at the University of Technology, Sydney in the School of Computer Science. My new web pages.

Short cv .

Some papers.


My pgp key.

Who needs Java when we have animated gif's?

A Java program.

Some Java Documentation.

Capture some mpeg video of me.

What I find funny .

Some ISDN numbers.

Oh! and the project I work on, HIPPARCH (next generation HIgh Performance Protocol ARCHitecture) . Some of the people working on the project, the loading of this page could take some time.

Some mbone info including pointers to the monitoring software written at UCL .

An annotated hotlist .

The January 1996 GNU Bulletin

Some notes on some of the installed software/scanner/colour printer at UCL not interesting to anybody outside UCL.

The spiritual founder of UCL.

The classic cartoon of a user who wanted a

The number of visitors to my boring page

A test page. Not interesting

My cgi generated homepage

The ucl logo Click here for more information on UCL-CS.

Last modified: April 2, 1996