Computer Science Seminar: Generalized Tangent Vector Fields

Speaker: Daniele Panozzo, ETH Zurich
UCL Contact: (Visitors from outside UCL please email in advance).
Date/Time: 27 Apr 15, 13:30 - 14:30
Venue: Chadwick B.05


Tangent vector fields (and their generalizations) play an important role in geometry processing applications, including texture synthesis, parametrization, deformation and remeshing. In this talk, I will present recent tools for computing these fields at interactive rates, while following user-defined directional constraints: compared to existing techniques, the presented algorithms are guaranteed to find an optimal solution by minimizing a convex quadratic energy. Tangent vector fields enriched with additional properties have immediate practical applications: singularity-free fields can be used to digitally restore damaged historical documents, curl-free fields are gradients of global parametrizations, which can be designed in an intuitive and interactive way, and conjugate fields naturally represent planar tessellations, which are ideal to design glass and steel buildings.

Daniele Panozzo