CSRW (Computer Science Remote Worker)

ATTENTION - as advised below, the SGD based service will be decommissioned on 2nd February 2015

Please start using the ThinLinc based service


CSR is changing
The old Secure Global Desktop based service is due to be decommissioned.  If you haven't yet used the new ThinLinc based service, please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with it. Using the ThinLinc Native Client gives a better experience and it can be downloaded from here. When using the ThinLinc native client, the Server is thinlinc.cs.ucl.ac.uk, and you should use your Linux credentials. If you experience any issues or have any queries, please e-mail request@cs.ucl.ac.uk. Connect to CSRW via ThinLinc. Connect to CSRW via SGD.